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Storing Dead Bodies


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I want to start collecting dead bodies for use as Dead thralls but I have no place to store them where they wont disappear. Is there a way to mod body cleanup in players houses out of the game? I was hoping to use the abandoned house in mark as my storage facility.
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@ TimF

I stored them in homes for a bit but after 30 days they disappeared, I will try giving them a quest item and see if that works.


@ Akin12

I used to hate the necromancers in this game until I unlocked dead thrall and found my self enslaving master vamps and bandit chiefs . . . now I hunt for more powerful vessels.

Edited by Eloin
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max level conjuration spell is called dead thrall, lets you res a dead body over and over for an unlimited amount of time. Kinda like a second companion but to give them new weapons you have to bludgeon them over the head and put things on the corpse. It makes for a bit of a sick relationship when zombie Lydia has been ressed about 20 timed and constantly asks to be freed.
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