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Need help with a mod

Lord Barkmann

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There is 2 of us so far working on a necromancer mod and we need some help. If someone or anyone has the time can you PM me, i can tell you the details.


Need someone who knows how to re-textures armor

Need help with making some books and adding spells to the books


Thanks for your time. :thanks:

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As far as adding spells to books, you could probably accomplish it by attaching a basic script like this to the book(s) in question.


scn NecroLearnSpellXScript

Begin OnActivate
  player.AddSpell NecroSpellInQuestion
  activate player
Begin OnEquip
  player.AddSpell NecroSpellInQuestion


The downside is that you need an individual script for each type of book, but since the "self" for OnEquip blocks is treated as the wearer, I can't think of another way of doing so. You could add more player.AddSpell parts in each block if you want to add more than one spell when reading the book in question.

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If i need 4 books with spells, does that mean i need 4 script for each book?

And do i need scripts for each spells i add to a book?


I made 32 spells base off Guild Wars, Necromancer

I want to add 8 spells to 1 book to make it 4 books some what of a quest to look for the books.

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You don't need four scripts for each book, just one script per book-type. The spells don't need anything aside from their editor ID. So book one would go something like this....


scn NecroBook1Script

Begin OnActivate
  player.AddSpell NecroSpell1
  player.AddSpell NecroSpell2
  player.AddSpell NecroSpell3
  player.AddSpell NecroSpell4
  activate player
Begin OnEquip
  player.AddSpell NecroSpell1
  player.AddSpell NecroSpell2
  player.AddSpell NecroSpell3
  player.AddSpell NecroSpell4


You would also need three separate scripts for the other three book-types, just swapping the spells learned from it.

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