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I have an AWESOME idea for a new tomb spell for the Illusion magic. TELEPORTATION!


I've thought up of most everything for it. here's what I've come up with so far:


-It'll have the same animation as though you're casting a familiar (the purple ball in your hand) but when you shoot it, right when it hits the ground, it'll teleport you that spot. you could also add in the effect of the giant purple ball that the familiars spawn in.


-Novice level can only cast up to 10 feet away, and costs 10 points of magicka


-Apprentice level can only cast up to 20 feet away, and costs 35 points of magicka


-Adept level can only cast up to 30 feet away, and costs 70 points of magicka


-Expert level can only cast up to 40 feet away, and costs 115 points of magicka


-Master level can only cast up to 50 feet away, and costs 225 points of magicka


And, well, that's all I got so far.


(I know I already posted this, but I wanted to change the title, but didn't know how)

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Awesome idea, and well thouh out


Maybe it should be just a little more magicka costy so there wound be Extreme spamming (im talking mostly of the begginer levels) since 10 magicka get fill before there even use hehe.


Great idea thoug im sure will se teleporting real soon in Skyrim

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thanks guys! I hope someone makes this spell when the CK comes out.

And about the magicka cost, I'm not the best when it comes to the cost, so I think if someone feels that it needs to be at a higher cost, by all means, go right ahead :)

Edited by Kry11ic
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