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Not sure you can. Found reports that changing the setting "bDisableAllGore=" to "1" in the three INI files reduces limb dismemberment, but not completely.
Note that if you are currently or have used "Mod Organizer", MO uses its own copies of "Fallout.ini" and "FalloutPrefs.ini" (from when the MO profile was created), located in "\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer\profiles\<Your Profile Name>". These files need to be changed as well.


While there are several mods on Nexus for tweaking Gore for various weapons, none seem to eliminate it completely.

There are two settings in the GECK for each weapon that control the Gore chance:

* iCombatDismemberPartChance (default = 50%)

* iCombatExplodePartChance (default = 75%)


That handles the global chance of these effects happening, but does nothing to change the fact a lead pipe can cause an arm to explode.

The basic formulae is:

  • Large edged weapons dismember.
  • Powerful laser weapons dismember.
  • Blunt weapons explode.
  • High powered rifles and pistols explode.
  • Powerful plasma weapons explodes.
  • Explosives explode. (Strangely not allowed in vanilla)

Source: http://www.gamesas.com/sensible-dismemberment-t28558.html


Edit: Found the mod "No Combat Gore No Environmental Gore" which "is dedicated to eliminating all gore from the game. The gore from fighting, the extra gore added from the Bloody Mess perk, environmental gore that is piled in areas and even scripted gore such as your head exploding due to Dead Money's many radios setting off your collar."



Edited by dubiousintent
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