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I want to make a script that give perk point as a general quest reward


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There is no OnQuestShutdown event in Skyrim Papyrus (It is a Fallout 4 thing). So that script as is, won't work.


Quickest solution for a single quest:

Locate the quest stage fragment where the player is rewarded and add the Game.AddPerkPoints(1) line to it and recompile.


For multiple quests it might be better to create a start game enabled quest, use a script on said quest which tracks the status of all target quests and rewards the player upon completion of the reward stages of each target quest. Would require using the OnInit() event to RegisterForASingleUpdate. The OnUpdate() event to check the quest statuses, reward as needed, and re-register for the single update as needed. A bit more complicated than a single line, but allow for greater compatibility with other mods that may edit the quests as well.

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Thx for answering!

I am trying to understand how to use the event function

I am trying to add the game.addperkpoint line, but for some quest, like radiant quest in dawnguard, the fragment box simply says code not loaded...so i cant add this line

There is no OnQuestShutdown event in Skyrim Papyrus (It is a Fallout 4 thing). So that script as is, won't work.


Quickest solution for a single quest:

Locate the quest stage fragment where the player is rewarded and add the Game.AddPerkPoints(1) line to it and recompile.


For multiple quests it might be better to create a start game enabled quest, use a script on said quest which tracks the status of all target quests and rewards the player upon completion of the reward stages of each target quest. Would require using the OnInit() event to RegisterForASingleUpdate. The OnUpdate() event to check the quest statuses, reward as needed, and re-register for the single update as needed. A bit more complicated than a single line, but allow for greater compatibility with other mods that may edit the quests as well.

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The Creation Kit cannot see into sub-folders to see the DLC scripts. In order to resolve this, you need to create a single directory with all your source scripts added in the correct order. This is best done with a clean directory. Add first the base game source scripts, then Dawnguard, then Hearthfires, then Dragonborn. You can then edit the SkyrimEditor.ini to direct sScriptSourceFolder= under [Papyrus] to the merged source script directory.

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The Creation Kit cannot see into sub-folders to see the DLC scripts. In order to resolve this, you need to create a single directory with all your source scripts added in the correct order. This is best done with a clean directory. Add first the base game source scripts, then Dawnguard, then Hearthfires, then Dragonborn. You can then edit the SkyrimEditor.ini to direct sScriptSourceFolder= under [Papyrus] to the merged source script directory.

thank you so much!!!!!!!

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