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It's for everything, Live or no Live, PSN or not, it is not a smart thing to do.


Edit: Why do you have two topics about the same thing going?

Edited by Guy97
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It can't be discussed here, the info is out there if you google it. It does involve voiding your warranty and a lot of mods will cause issues, the Xbox isn't exactly blessed with a lot of memory. I wouldn't bother with it.
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Console modding is not supported here. Only PC modding. If you want to discuss it, legality, morality, or why not. We don't support that either - please contact the law office at Microsoft if you really want answers.


Here is a link to our policy on that. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/369524-console-modding-is-not-supported-here/


Topic locked - the other one also.


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