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Khajiit texture bug?


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Hey guys!

I got back to Oblivion after some time and I am having some difficulties with, I think, two mods.

Robert's Male and Seamless Equipment for Robert's Male. I do not use OCO. (Important to Seamless Equipment requirements)


There seems to be a mishmatch with Khajiit Female texture. I attached the picture to this post.

I install Robert's Female and Robert's Male and everything looks and works fine. Then I install Seamless Equipment and the Khajiit texture goes pink.

Now, I can either use Khajiit Texture fix or install Seamless for Khats and Args. Both fixes pink missing texture but then it looks like in the picture.


I install everything with Wrye Bash (And bashed patch). I tried Oblivion Mod manager and external archieve validators to make sure it is not a some basic bug but it did not work.


Any kind soul maybe knows how to fix it? Of course by keeping Seamless Equipment.


PS: Using models with clothes but since textures are moved I censored one element.

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The vanilla female Khajiit got shafted by Bethesda and are using the vanilla male Khajiit foot texture for their feet. In a vanilla game this doesn't cause a problem because the foot texture for both male and female characters of any race covers just that ... the foot (and only the foot).


Enter the age of replacers like HGEC and Roberts male/female and now their "foot" texture covers the entire body except the head (and in the case of HGEC except the hand as well). As you are finding, Roberts male alone conflicts with vanilla female Khajiit and when a fix isn't used it also conflicts with HGEC female Khajiit.


Oblivion Character Overhaul v 2 contains a female Khajiit fix in the latest version of the HGEC compatibility addon ... any particular reason you aren't wanting to use OCO v2?

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@Striker879 It's me Patrician Luk, it seems I made a typo in password and could not log in back. And the email I used was not entirely mine so it would take some time to recover.

I read on the Internet about how female Khajiit works but the fixes I found do nothing in this case. I think some plugin edit might be needed.


Personally I do not like how OCO looks and I like vanilla heads. Personal taste I guess. Also the thing is Robert male and female alone are working fine. The problem occurs when I install Seamless Equipment. Then the texture dissapears (pink). I can fix it by installing either Khajiit Texture fix or next component of Seamless Equipment - so Khats and Args. Then texture is back here. But it's not matching the body. I followed Seamless instructions so I think I must be making an error somewhere else.


I really would like to use Robert's bodies+Seamless Equipment+Seamless Heads. It looks good for me. The only problem is female Khajiit and I would like to fix it. I am not sure how though.


I am installing Unofficial patches/obse plugins(blockhead etc)->Universal Skeleton Nif->Robert's Male 5.2->Robert's Female 1.3->Body Repaired Shoes->Seamless Heads Vanilla and Classics Edition(does not matter for outcome)->Seamless Equipment Robert Male v5.2 Edition (and here the pink texture happens, can fix it with Khajiit Female Texture Fix (but the texture is still moved but shows))->Other Seamless requiements->Seamless Khats and Args(fixes pink texture so Khajiit Female Texture Fix is not needed. But texture is still not in place).

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Hmm ... the only stuff I have experience with is HGEC and Robert male.


I think I see what is happening though ... the texture from Seamless Khats & Args is a HGEC body texture, won't work on a Roberts female mesh.


Looking through the Robert female and Robert male files and checking out the Khajiit body textures in Paint.NET I think what Robert did to resolve the "Khajiit problem" is to give Roberts male Khajiits a newly named body texture ... RTfootmale.dds and RTfootmale_n.dds (located in the Textures\characters\khajiit\male folder) and left the Roberts female Khajiits using footmale.dds and footmale_n.dds also located in Textures\characters\khajiit\male folder.


What this means for you is first you will need to fix the error that Junkacc11 made with Seamless Khats & Args and rename the footmale.dds and footmale_n.dds found in it's Main_File\data\textures\characters\khajiit\male folder to RTfootmale.dds and RTfootmale_n.dds (they are male body textures, but intended for use with OCO v2 ... which changed Roberts male body textures back to footmale.dds as far as I can tell ... what a tangled mess!!). Then re-install the female Khajiit textures that comes with Robert female (found in Data\textures\characters\khajiit\male in the extracted Roberts female v13 download).


You will probably need to use the vanilla head texture for female Khajiits ... looks to me in Paint.NET that Seamless Khats & Args went a different direction with head textures ... do a test and see what it looks like. If push comes to shove we should be able to use Blockhead to get around any tough spots.


Nope, female Khajiits won't be seamless, and yup that's as good as you're going to get.


A note to you concerning having two accounts ... that is ban hammer territory around the Nexus. Your best bet is to hit the report button on your Jorzecor post and explain your log-in problem/email problem and get your original account sorted out.

Edited by Striker879
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@Striker879 Hi, and thanks for your help it's appreciated!


There were already four files with these four names. I did like you said, renamed files and copied textures from Robert's female. It changed nothing. I am no expert but I think maybe one of esp changes something about ''rendering'' or maybe how the texture is put. I wanted to load some of the esps in construction set but it is not working for me (windows 10, even with compatibility mode set still crashes).


EDIT: (before I posted I decided to make some more tests).

So it looks like the problem are ESPs. If I use original Robert's male ESP it works file. If I overwrite Robert's male esp with the one from Seamless the error shows up. If I install Khats and Args esp. The error shows up. If I install Khajiit Female Fix or Slof's Better beasts - the error shows up. (I mean only activate esp). If I disable original Robert's male esp and activate any listed esp, the error is still here.

If I uninstall all robert's mods and install only esp for any of the listed mods - the texture is still moved. I do not think my installation is damaged tried redownloading again many times (Steam). Everything else works. Only the problem is female texture and with activated esps.


About the accounts, I am going to report my first account. [done]

Edited by Jorzecor
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Yes that would be what I would expect judging by what I've seen using Paint.NET, as the Seamless series is designed to be used with Oblivion Character Overhaul v 2 exclusively.


I'd say you'll need to use the original Roberts male and female ESPs and just the textures from Seamless for all but the female Khajiits. The Khajiit Female Fix is likely intended for HGEC (without a link to it I'm left guessing) ... Slof's Better Beasts would be all Roberts as Slof was pretty well max for "anti-HGEC" so I'm not sure why that wouldn't work (but it wouldn't be seamless).

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I am doing a clean install (no obse plugins and any additional textures) now in case Wrye did not remove all files when I was testing things and will try to figue out exactly what files do not like each other.


EDIT: There are versions of Seamless for OCO and for these withoout OCO like Robert's Male - so that is why I was suprised it did not work out of the box. I am skill thinking there might be additional piece causing it. Anyway thanks for the help.

Edited by Jorzecor
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Done some testing and it seems there are definetly some conflicts. Using Seamless ESP always gives me pink texture even if installing original Robert's after Seamless Robert's. Using only Seamless and other plugin like Khajiit Felame fix gives me moved texture. It seems like there is a problem with Seamless so I am going to post it on mod's page - I though I had something wrong and did not want to post an useless post to their page. The versions of Seamless were designed to work with Robert's but they seem to cause an error even without Robert's.


This or there is some mistake on my side I am not seeing.

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I just read through the install instructions again for both Seamless Robert male and female and compared to what I see in the extracted downloads for Seamless Robert female and the original Robert female v13. Just to be clear, have you tried installing Roberts male and female original, then install just the Seamless for Roberts male and female (i.e. no Khajiit fix or Slof's, and no Seamless Khats & Agrs). Seamless Robert female doesn't have any body textures or ESP included whatsoever, so it will just use the original Roberts female Khajiit body textures and ESP.


I think if you do that all will be well. If you want the male Khajiit from Seamless Khats & Args you'll be best to do so thru a manual install of just it's male textures ... the female ones are HGEC.

Edited by Striker879
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