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How do I use one mod to create another?


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First off, I am new to modding. I have done some fiddling with stats before, but never created anything or done any real modding before. I am wanting to use, for personal use, one mods contents and make another. It is all armor sets that I want to use and just place them in a chest in or around Riverwood. JackGa's Pub has some nice armor sets, but I keep having problems with trying to get into the "pub" area without crashing. What I would like to do is take the contents from the npc seller inside and place them in a chest either in or just outside of Riverwood. It states "No need to ask permission for everything you want to use" so there is no conflict there. I just do not know how to go about this and help would be greatly appreciated. It is an esm and not an esp. Any help with this or pointing me to a place with tutorials on this subject would be greatly appreciated. I have gone thru a lot of you tube videos, but have yet to find one that shows close to what I am trying to do.

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Never will understand why people make their mods an .esm, unless they are creating many other mods that use it like a resource.


As for your question you can make your mod the active mod in the ck and use the .esm ticked but not set to active.

pretty sure that's all you need to do. idk I never work with .esm files.

Edited by NexusComa
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