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Steam Application Error v:0000065432


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Like a fool I decided to change from NMM (which was driving me around the bend) to MO2 v2.07. I am well used to old MO and all the usual stuff. I have no issues installing the new (including the updated DLL for it, etc).


I have everything set up only to get a Steam Application Load Error V:0000065432 turning up on launching the game.


Grr. I've removed the notorious "Blob" file, verified the cache, made sure the game files are clean, run CCleaner over things. I cleared up the Steam Cache, too. I can't get rid of this error.

Update - Reinstalled MO, dropped back to build 2.06...


I'm not running any mods right now - I just want to establish a vanilla start.


Construciton Kit, Loot, Skyrim Launcher are all OK.


Any ideas much appreciated, thanks!

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Thanks for dropping by. I have no problems running the game from the EXE outside MO.


Also now Wrye Bash is flagging up an error: failed to spawn "Wrye Bash.exe": failed to start process (the parameter is incorrect. [87]) :geek:


Argh :mad: Two or three folks on Nexus have said MO2 would work - I'm just facing a blinking nightmare!


UPDATE: I got Wrye Bash working OK by dropping back to MO build 2.06.

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UPDATE! I got MO to recognise the game. In %Appdata% an MO ini file was not pointing at the right place. :laugh:


Now I have just got to get it to talk to NEXUS....

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I'm making progress....MO2 will now load the game, talk to NEXUS, accept a download...but.... where is the download going? :ohmy:

My left pane remains empty, and I'm told I have an orphaned Metafile...


All readers - please consider this request for help closed.

If I need more assistance, I shall start a new ticket.


Thanks for checking this out!

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