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True Surrender


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My Story

Okay, seems like it's simple enough, but I am looking for an honest defeated enemy without having to lay their brains all over the place.

Very often I find myself in the position of Victorious Mercy fighter, only to be walking away and hear *STAB STAB STAB* with my HP bar slowly drifting away, I turn around and see my latest helpless victim "RAWR"ing at me.


My Idea

This can be a deceptively large AI opportunity to take, rather than just making them sit there dumbly before attacking again, we could;

  • Turn in Bandits, Forsworn, or Necromancers to the nearest prisons for a bounty.
  • Capture Prisoners of War, putting Imperials in Stormcloak prisons or Stormcloaks in Imperial prisons
  • Keep non-fighting slaves to sell to Orc garrisons or non-hostile bandits
  • They could actually run for their lives!
  • They could run to their friends and get help!
  • Some could even offer to join you out of respect/fear
  • Yes, some could even do what they do now and try to make a final stand, but it's boring when that's all they do.

My Conclusion



The possibilities roll on like that. Honestly, who doesn't like a little variety in life? Bandits aren't brave, mages aren't stupid, and orcs aren't disrespectful of their proven superiors. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but not every blasted enemy is happy to throw themselves onto an obviously sharper sword than their own.




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Joining their faction is something thats not really possible. Because If there was a Mod that let you join the Forsworn just because you spared their lives, all of Markarth would try to kill you since they are programmed to hate the Forsworn faction.
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Using the artifact ebony armor, I just walked through a group of bandits and they died before they even got a swing at me. Walked! No stabbing!

They went "Mercy, mercy!" and the ones that didn't actually die just got up and charged me again. Artifacts should make people more likely to run, especially lower level people. Seriously. Mehrune's dagger isn't a toothpick, that thing's infamous! Let it be feared!


Non magical fear, let us use you!

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Good idea. I someone doesn't want ti fight with me any more and asks for mercy - why don't let him go? I would love to act like that, because my character is a really good one.



After recently playing with the Fortify Restoration potion thing my character is pretty deadric. Nothing makes my health bar appear, the other bars seem infinite and my potions are all ridiculous. One side effect is that enemies back away sooner and sometimes dont attack.


If I leave my companion at home I can walk through a dungeon using fear and calm to 'peace' my way through.

Though having illusion at 100 with the high level perks helps.. a mundane way of fearing someone out of the region would be nice :D

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The most basic surrender, and first goal if anyone starts this mod, would be to simply have the surrendering opponents not immediately afterwards attack you. A longer timer before they feel like attacking again, possibly with an extra desire to be farther from the player. Lots of other good ideas here about further opportunities, but first off I'd say just the optionto leave an area with some victims alive would be a big step up.
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This is an interesting mod idea that I feel could add a good bit of depth to the game.


Shoot, one you got it working, you could even have quests where the purpose is to capture a _____ and bring him to face the _____'s justice.



I like the idea of capture and bring em in alive to face charges, hanging, beheadung whatever....good idea!!

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