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Simple Change Weapons Stats


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I have been playing Skyrim SE on PC. I wanted to change the base damage stats of the Blades Sword to be equal to a dragon bone sword for RP purposes. I watched a couple of tutorials on Youtube and it seemed simple enough. I downloaded the CK, opened the main skyrim file, then akaviri katana (aka Blades Sword) and changed the base dmg to that of a dragon bone sword. Saved it as a new esp. The Blades Sword I got from Delphine's basement did not have the damage changes applied. I even added another one via console and it had same damage as the one I already had. I checked in the data folder and the esp is there and active. This is the first time I have used the CK and I am sure there is something simple I am not doing right.


Any guidance would be much appreciated.

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I figured it out, as Novem99 stated, I created one properly but did not activate it properly. I activated it through the ingame menu (mods>load order>check the plugin) alternatively I could of also imported the file to NMM and activated it that way as well.

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