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All I want for Christmas is a mod that adds hair colors. If there is one that has some natural added red, blond, brunette colors, I haven't found it yet. It kills me. I don't know if hair color mods would have to be tied to Skyui, but if someone is able to make one, I would be forever thankful.



Someone made this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2801/?


And that gives me hope.


I want my gingers back. Please.

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Personally, I'd like to see this too, I'm going to try to make a mod for this. Doesn't look too hard to do based on what I read. :P I'll mess around with the kit a bit and let you know if I get anything to work.

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Here you go. If you want different colors, please post in the comment section and preferably link examples of the color so I can have a good idea what you want.




Doing this mod was probably one of the easiest I've done too, so feel free to spam colors in the comments. xD Great idea btw.

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