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Suggestion about screenshot uploading.


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Hi I was playing Skyrim and took some screenshots with the in-game way of pressing "PrintScreen" on my keyboard.

These screenshots are saved as .bpm but to upload them to the Nexus I need to convert them to .jpg

If the uploader accepted .bpm images its practicality would be very improved,so we don't have to use another program to convert the images before we upload them..


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Bitmaps would be a huge waste of bandwidth, just convert the thing with paint or some such, it takes a few seconds at most. You could also install this as your default image viewer, it's free, quick and there's no spyware. You can convert a single image simply by opening and then "Saving As", for a larger number it has a batch convert thingy. @Werne sounds like yours are being over-compressed.
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BMP and PNG both produce far too large images for some people's bandwidth to view. I myself don't actually care that much, but I witnessed some pretty small images taking about 5 minutes to display, coming down line by line even, whereas their JPG versions will show up in an instant. 1920x1080 and above is unbearable as PNG, even worse as BMP, but as JPG it literally flashes onto the screen.


I personally prefer converting all my images to JPG prior to uploading, and with a standard compression of 95% quality in Paint.NET so far didn't witness any visible loss in quality. If anything, I get a bonus anti-aliazing effect over it, giving it an overall nicer and smoother look. But it reduces filesize "massively"!

Be invited to take a look at my screenshots to see for yourself what 95% quality can do for you.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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I suggest you to use .png, jpg "deforms" the pic making it somewhat blurry, while png keeps the sharpness (though it might be my converter that does it).


PNG will give your horrendous file sizes for something like an Oblivion or Skyrim screenshot. A 95% JPG will be a fraction of the size and virtually identical in appearance.


BMP files are, of course, right out!


Edit: Also, Wrye Bash has built in screenshot organization and conversion. One more reason everyone should use Wrye Bash!

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