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Oblivion (!) Nifs to SSE? Is that possible?


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Heyho Folks,


I startet playing SSE again a few days ago and realized, that there is no good house mod out there right now... So I came to the conclusion, that i gonna make on my self. Now I came across this beautyfull ressources for the House ( http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/29963/? ) but they are made for Oblivion... I know, that the nifs for Skyrim and SSE are different, so the from Oblivion must be even more different. Because I have no idea how to convert them so Im asking you guys... I'm willing to learn, so teach me, wizards, show me your witchcraft!

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If you're a beginner modder, I would suggest just opening the Creation Kit and learning how to make something with that first. Everything you need to make a house mod is already inside the Creation Kit, learn that first. With that said, I'm not really sure it is possible, or even allowed, to take assets like that and port it over to Skyrim Special Edition.

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I did almost 7 (?) housemods, and published 2 of them here on the nexus, so i know how to snap stuff together in the ck, I just never worked with the nifs and eddit them myself. Btw the ressource creator gave free permission, so i can do whatever i want with it, atleast when i dont publish it.

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