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Need help with installing mods ._.


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So I just recently got a hold of Oblivion for PC and I was looking very forward to applying some mods to it. I just don't really know what I'm doing...I've read a few "guides" on installing mods, but I'm still unsure what I need to do >.<

So I have Wyre Bash, BOSS and Oblivion Mod Manager and I've tried to install a few mods, but still not sure if I am doing anything right ._.


I've downloaded quite a few mods, but the ones that are active on the oblivion mod manger are: Unofficial Oblivion patch, Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch, Chocolate Elves, HGEC Body, and the Claudia's Little Secret. I have others, these were just the first ones I selected to try out <.<


Anyways, I'm not really sure what I really need to do. I opened up Oblivion via the Oblivion Mod Manager, and when I go to the character selection, all the new races, from I'm guessing the Claudia part, have blackish faces with no eyes...its creepy o.o

Also the chocolate elves have no hair or eyes...


How exactly do I get these in working condition?

Edited by Anowscara
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Well, you are missing textures. Missing hair and eyes for the Chocolate Elves means you didn't install the hair and eye textures from the Synx race, which are a requirement for Chocolate Elves (this tripped me up too, its an easy mistake to make).


Double check the readme's for the mods, make sure you have all the requirements. None of those mods require OBMM, so do everything with Wrye Bash for now. Since you haven't really started it might be simpler to just reinstall from scratch, have a clean Vanilla install.


Then install the Unofficial Patches for Oblivion and SI, make sure it starts. Then install the HGEC body (using the EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants) the Synx files (you do not need the ESP it comes with, so you can leave it deactivated), and the Chocolate Elves mod. Start Oblivion, and confirm that you can make a Chocolate Elf.


Then start adding other mods.


I would not recommend Claudia's Little Secret starting out, its rather...ahh...advanced, in many ways.


Edit: Also, make sure you have OBSE

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Ah, I see. I got the Chocolate elves mod to work now fully. They have eyes and hair now xD

I guess I can hold off on the Claudia mod, just saw it as one of the top mods recently so I thought I'd try it since it just looked fun :3


I did download OBSE, I just may have forgotten to mention it...I will double check through the read-mes tomorrow to make sure all is well. Thank you for the help so far ^_^

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Well, you are missing textures. Missing hair and eyes for the Chocolate Elves means you didn't install the hair and eye textures from the Synx race, which are a requirement for Chocolate Elves (this tripped me up too, its an easy mistake to make).


If you mean XINAVRO's Chocolate Elves, it requires resources from Corean Race to work, IIRC.

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Well, you are missing textures. Missing hair and eyes for the Chocolate Elves means you didn't install the hair and eye textures from the Synx race, which are a requirement for Chocolate Elves (this tripped me up too, its an easy mistake to make).


If you mean XINAVRO's Chocolate Elves, it requires resources from Corean Race to work, IIRC.




I knew it was one of them, and I didn't take the five seconds to go and check. I always get the Synx and Corean races mixed up.


Anyway, he got it working, despite my less than amazing advice.

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