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Oblivion Crashes on Game EXIT!


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Yes it's strange and annoying. When I try to exit the game, it crashes and I get the Windows Error Report dialog. No big deal, I was closing the game anyway...except it doesn't save my video or game settings before crashing, so I have to readjust all my options every time I start oblivion. And options such as resolution or texture size can't be adjusted at all, due to being required to restart oblivion to take effect.


The problem started around the time when I installed Python 2.5 for wyre bash to work. Any ideas?

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Happens to me as well, I just have to wait until it closes properly to have mine saved, but as I use Streamline it doesn't really matter, as it adjusts my settings for me. As far as I know there are no solutions to this, try the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, it may address crashing issues, but I really don't know.



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As per cs wiki, any mod that adusts a particular Anvil Exterior cell results in CTD on quit though I'm sure there are other reasons for this as well that can cause this problem. To prevent losing your in-game settings changes because of this, use the 'saveini' console sommand before exiting.
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Ah. The saveini will be a very handy command. Thank you. Everytime I manually screw around with the ini, my game becomes unbearably choppy. (Even if I use the ini tweak program and guide) So yeah I prefer not to play with the settings outside the game gui.


My game is about due for a reinstall anyway, so I'll make note of what specifically causes this problem.


[edit] Yes saveini works just fine. And then to adjust resolution and texture size, you can open the data launcher from the oblivion directory. Still annoying, and would love to know the cause of the problem, but this works. Thanks!

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I've been encountering a similar crash almost every time I quit the game. Because of the crash, my screen's resolution doesn't get reset to it's original setting. For me, this may be because I run the game under Wine, but I'm not sure, since Oblivion seems very stable under it. Most of the crashes I encounter seem to also occur with people running the game in it's native environment.
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