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Bug: Buidings disappearing in Whiterun


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Standing at the top of Dragonreach Stairs in Whiterun I noticed that if I got the angle just right a whole group of buildings would disappear:






Notice the buildings on the left in the first pic have disapeared(yet the fire from the braziers still shows).


I didn't catch it in these screens but a guard walking up the steps would disappear also if at the right angle.


I run with an FOV of 85 in the ini files.


This is the only place I've noticed this anomoly and was wondering if anyone else had seen it?

Speculating it is due to FOV, but I would think someone else would have noticed this by now.


If I move to the left a bit and turn just right I can get the center square and tree to disappear on the other side of town.

Edited by wader2k
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