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Adding Screen Effects and Sound Filters


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How would I go about adding (on a script/event/trigger/whatever)...


1) Screen darkening

2) Gaussian blur (like low health)

3) Forced 'close focus' (can't remember the actual term - make 'distant' stuff super blurry, close stuff more focused.)

4) Progressive screen darkening from the edges

5) Muffling of incoming sound

6) Volume reduction and eventual muting of in-game sound


Ta muchly!


Scenario, for context.



  1. Player is knocked out, with the screen darkening to black (and all sound fading) and all sound fading to silence to accompany this.
  2. As they come round again, sound recovers first, although it's all muffled and weird. Vision returns for a bit, but limited - very blurry, close focused (the real excuse - so the cell this happens in can be shoddily put together for fast loading times and no-one will notice due to oil-smear filter) - before fading out again, sound fading too.
  3. Fade back in by vision returning to normal (blur initially) and sound going from quiet to muffled to normal.



Edited by Athanasa
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1 to 4 (3 is depth of field) are done using immagespace modifiers these are located in the specialEffect category of the object window. In a script you can activate them by using YourModifier.Apply() more on this function here
I used immage space modifiers in my lone wanderer fast travel mod feel free to have a look at the scripts, I added the source scripts in the download.

The simplest script I used this in is LR_MotorcycleWorkbenchActivator.psc


I would think something similar can be done for the sound as well but I dont know how that would work.

Edited by LoneRaptor
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Fab, thanks for the info!


WRT sound, there might actually be a filter for when the player is underwater. I'll have to try testing that in game, but it seems like the sort of place you'd find a filter like that.

Edited by Athanasa
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