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Adding Screen Effects and Sound Filters


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How would I go about adding (on a script/event/trigger/whatever)...


1) Screen darkening

2) Gaussian blur (like low health)

3) Forced 'close focus' (can't remember the actual term - make 'distant' stuff super blurry, close stuff more focused.)

4) Progressive screen darkening from the edges

5) Muffling of incoming sound

6) Volume reduction and eventual muting of in-game sound


Ta muchly!


Scenario, for context.


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Edited by Athanasa
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1 to 4 (3 is depth of field) are done using immagespace modifiers these are located in the specialEffect category of the object window. In a script you can activate them by using YourModifier.Apply() more on this function here
I used immage space modifiers in my lone wanderer fast travel mod feel free to have a look at the scripts, I added the source scripts in the download.

The simplest script I used this in is LR_MotorcycleWorkbenchActivator.psc


I would think something similar can be done for the sound as well but I dont know how that would work.

Edited by LoneRaptor
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Fab, thanks for the info!


WRT sound, there might actually be a filter for when the player is underwater. I'll have to try testing that in game, but it seems like the sort of place you'd find a filter like that.

Edited by Athanasa
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