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Nifskope manual or complet guide , tutorial


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Hello everybody, im searching a complete manual or guide or complete tutorial about Nifskope.

I also go on github but there isn't any explanation about how to use it, how to set properly node, nitrishape, shade...

I also search on youtube but i found only few videos (and the 100% are made before the release of the creation kit for fallout 4).

In fact there isn't a complete guide about nifskope and about set it up for creating a new gun using custom meshes.

So i hope im wrong and there is some complete guide that explain entirely what you can do with nifskope and how.

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Basically, from Blender to BodySlide & Outfit Studio to NifSkope.

The Creation Kit comes with Archive2 Archive 2 Tutorial


Thanks to giggity12345 for alerting me to that Aiming down sights thread

The .obj export of nifskope is broken as what developers of nifskope say.

Also the tutorial of gaambsmoore is very old and he is creating a sword not a gun.

The gun has multiple parts, the sword he converted only one and it is a replace of the existing vanilla.

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Why would you want to export from NifSkope? Near as I can tell the first step is do everything in blender, use Outfit Studio to convert .obj to .nif, and finalize in NifSkope.


So what are you trying to do? Build the mesh and what else? Try using the logic contained in the videos as well as here:




Once you go through and figure out all that, you can always be the one to write an updated guide. If you figure it out before I do, it would help the community to record everything and come up with a clearly defined way that is free and filled with the necessary information to make a fairly quick workflow. Plus for guys like me new to all the meshing and texturing, explaining stuff like nodes, etc. would also help in taking other users from 0 knowledge to being able to produce a working model in the course of say, a weekend hopefully.


Tutorial adding Custom meshes to Fallout 4

nVidia DDS Tool and NifScope Settings - Tutorial and Presets

Eli's Fallout 4 Tutorials and Resources

Ethreon's Tutorials

Fallout 4 to Blender

Rigging models with Bodyslide Outfit Studio -With Tutorials-

Creating armor and clothing with Blender

Fallout 4 Creation Kit Modeling and Importing Tutorial

Blender Information


Please let me know if any of this works since I'm still learning myself.

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Why would you want to export from NifSkope? Near as I can tell the first step is do everything in blender, use Outfit Studio to convert .obj to .nif, and finalize in NifSkope.


So what are you trying to do? Build the mesh and what else? Try using the logic contained in the videos as well as here:




Once you go through and figure out all that, you can always be the one to write an updated guide. If you figure it out before I do, it would help the community to record everything and come up with a clearly defined way that is free and filled with the necessary information to make a fairly quick workflow. Plus for guys like me new to all the meshing and texturing, explaining stuff like nodes, etc. would also help in taking other users from 0 knowledge to being able to produce a working model in the course of say, a weekend hopefully.


Tutorial adding Custom meshes to Fallout 4

nVidia DDS Tool and NifScope Settings - Tutorial and Presets

Eli's Fallout 4 Tutorials and Resources

Ethreon's Tutorials

Fallout 4 to Blender

Rigging models with Bodyslide Outfit Studio -With Tutorials-

Creating armor and clothing with Blender

Fallout 4 Creation Kit Modeling and Importing Tutorial

Blender Information


Please let me know if any of this works since I'm still learning myself.

Well.... My skill in nifskope is actually 0% but i see all (yes all) the videos on youtube about it.... I simple open this topic with the hope that someone that know (very well) how to use nifskope simple give me answers about were i can found a complete guide about nifskope, so i can learn all the utility.

For example, you can also do animation in nifskope, and all this tutorials are nothing more than very little piece of an incomplete puzzle.

I try to explain the point better... Normally a software comes with complete istruction or someone explain how it works... Also Millenia has searched someone who can put meshes into the game because there is an incredibly lack of info about how to understand what you can do with nifskope and especially how to do it. Im really sorry to say... that all the video that i found... give more questions than answer.

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If it doesn't exist, the someone should be the first to make it to improve the modding community, and get whatever acclaim from it. So whoever has the knowledge would be the one to make it. I don't have that knowledge so don't look to me.


I did find this though which is the closest thing to a beginner's guide probably: NifSkope Wiki

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If it doesn't exist, the someone should be the first to make it to improve the modding community, and get whatever acclaim from it. So whoever has the knowledge would be the one to make it. I don't have that knowledge so don't look to me.


I did find this though which is the closest thing to a beginner's guide probably: NifSk

the someone? wat? you mean then* (no grammarnazi intended), but thanks for the info! I really appreciate!

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