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How hard would it be to create this mod?


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I'm wanting to create my first mod, I haven't created one since Warcraft 3 and even then the tools were stupidly easy to use for that game.

The mod would be an item you'd spawn in (Don't have to worry about placement lists and such) which would go into your inventory. The weapon would start out with the damage of a fork and would have the skin of a Drainheart Sword, but with a different effect.

The effect would be based on what types of races you have killed with it, so killing a high elf would give a tiny amount of magika regen (1% faster regen or lower) or killing a Dunmer would result in adding fire damage to the weapon. The more of that race that you kill, the higher the bonus would get.

Would something like this require using the script extender, or is it possible to create this using the in game tools?

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It's possible to create something like this with the CK without a script extender, but it would require a lot of moving parts working together. The first thing to do would be to reverse engineer the Ebony Blade to see how that works, then tweak the effect to be dependent on races.

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