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A little advice is needed from the PC Gurus here

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February is fast approaching, which is when I can get my new system. I will be getting another custom white box and here is where I need the advice.


I only play NV and FO3, so I don't need a totally hard-core gaming system. My last white box consisted of an AMD Athlon II 265 and 8gigs ram with an nVidia 8400GS. I played the games fine on medium settings. A few laggy spots, when the action got intense though. But I really want to play on high/ultra.


I'm not a rich S.O.B., so hopefully I can get some reasonable advice here.



Thank You,


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and mobo...


so basically your limit is ~$800, (~$200 for the monitor)


















obviously you can change any of the parts, i gave you an example of both AMD and Intel just for comparison. and even then, you could swap out the GPUs, putting the Intel one on the AMD build and vice versa. but ya. both are solid and will do what you want them to do, and last your for a while yet. and you still have enough money left over to buy your monitor and some Subway.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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For the mobo, I went with a Gigabyte last time, this time I think I am going with an Asus. Those are all good choices. But I think the cpu and gpu choices might be over kill, but I just don't know. I am not building it myself this time. I am having someone else build it and telling them what to put in it.


Since my Nvidia 8400GS was good on medium, I was thinking I might just go with an Nvidia GTS450. But, I am here for advice and the advice you have given seems great.

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depends on what you classify as overkill. for AMD, you could go with the phemon x4 955 BE, that chip seems to have proven itself for gaming, and is about $50 cheeper. for Intel you could prolly go with the i3 series and save yourself like $75.


as for GPUs, you dont need to go with those ones. those are pretty much just the standard GPUs used by most average gamers today. you could easily get away with something like a GTX 460 or equivalent AMD GPU. for roughly $100 cheaper give or take

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Thank you hoofhearted4, you have helped me immensely. was just hoping to get away with paying a total of $800 including monitor. I'm very frugal, but I do want to have a great gaming experience instead of just mediocre.







Am also thinking of a Thermaltake 600watt psu.

Edited by Catman66
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np. ya upgrading you PSU is never a bad thing. some tips, is dont go with whatever is the cheapest. look at reviews, if one product has 700 reviews vs one the has 100, chances are, there is a reason 700 people bought that PSU over the other. the PSU powers your whole system, if it fails, it could potentially ruin your whole system....also look for something that is 80+ Certified. it just means its more power efficient which can help with heat and your electricity bill. also, a modular PSU is deff a nice plus. you only use the cables you need, and it keeps your case nice and clean and better for air flow :)
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