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Modded animations with no sound


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Hi guys, I've been getting into animating lately and after watching a ton of tutorials vids and dowloading every tool needed, I tried to see what I could do.


Started working on the .44 animations and so far I've changed some of the 1st person anims., and all of them work in-game (as in, the animation plays with no problem) but when I equip it or shoot it, there is no sound or shots actually being fired. I know that the .xml files are supposed to have all the info. on the sounds and other stuff, but I don't really know what to do with it, and none of the tutorials I've watched adressed this.


Would appreciate some help with this. I did some troubleshooting on other issues earlier and could resolve them, but this has me stuck.

Thanks a bunch

Edited by IanRB
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Not a helpful reply, but! How easy is it to get into animating for Fallout?


Also, if you've got first person animations down, could I steal your skills for Wasteland Salvation? We'd love some barely conscious flailing animations! Clean endings / starts / loops optional - black screen can hide any weirdness.

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You have to download a bunch of tools, watch a bunch of tutorials to understand how things works, and start getting comfy with the 3d modeling program you choose.

And then you got this kind of problem that you have to work out on your own, so not very easy actually.


If I end up making this thing work I'll let you know, I need more practice though.

Good luck

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You'll need to add some annotations to your animation when you want the different sounds/actions to happen.



To add annotations to your animations

If you are using your own scene:

1. Select Root joint.

2. Open DopeSheet.

3. Select Root joint there.

4. Select it’s Transformation track.

5. Go to - Edit - Note Track - Add (note that in earlier max versions location of this button was different)

If you're using scenes shipped with F4AK, this track should already exist there.


To add annotation:

1. Keys - Add Keys tool

2. Click wherever you want to place a key

3. Exit this tool

4. Right click and write your annotation


From the Fallout 4 Animation Kit guide.


The list of annotations is currently unknown, so you'll need to find what the possible values are in the game's animations. Just open them up in XML format and you'll see the annotations in the corresponding section, with their actual values :

<array name="annotations" size="1">
    <real name="time">x3f3bbc64 <!-- 0.733343 --></real>
    <string name="text">weaponSwing</string>
Ctrl-F the name "annotations" and you should find them directly. Edited by DexesTTP
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Wow, didn't quite get the meaning of annotations, so I never made the connection with the xml files. I suck.

Didn't know what to put in the note tracks at first, but apparently its just "weaponFire" for the sounds, shot and to start the hammer cocking animation (at least for the firing one). Everything works great now, thanks A LOT for the help.


Since you're already here, and you know your stuff, can I ask about another thing?


Do the idle animations require any other steps to work on them? I can't even convert them to 32bit without having 3ds max crashing on me.


Anyways, thanks again for the help and for making the tools needed for this. So happy right now

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It shouldn't be different from 1st person animations.



3. To export you go to Havok Content Tools menu - Export.


4. Here you should already have the right preset loaded, but just to be sure, go File - Load Configuration Set and point it to F4Animation.hko file which comes with this Kit.


5. Click on Create Skeletons filter in the list to the right. To the right of it you should now see this filter's settings.


6. In the "Create Skeletons" filter settings on the right, you need to select From File and pick the FO4_Human_3rd_Rig.txt.


Sometimes you may have to refresh it, by choosing some other option, then From File again. And selecting a file. It will just load the list of bones and their order from that file. This is also the list of bones which will have animation on them. But it's really easy to break this file, because order and names are important, so you can experiment with it, but carefully.

3DsMax crashing seems more like a software setup issue.

Check if HCT is installed correctly and maybe check what the crash is caused by (e.g.check in the 3DsMax logs, in "%AppData%\..\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\Network" depending of your version)


Also, it appears that you can corrupt meshes pretty easily in 3DsMax. Try deleting any extra stuff and keeping only the skeleton + animation when exporting, maybe it will work.




  On 11/24/2016 at 11:03 AM, Athanasa said:

Not a helpful reply, but! How easy is it to get into animating for Fallout?


Also, if you've got first person animations down, could I steal your skills for Wasteland Salvation? We'd love some barely conscious flailing animations! Clean endings / starts / loops optional - black screen can hide any weirdness.

Although I can't help you for animations or anything artistic really (I'm pretty bad at creative stuff) I can point you to a few resources concerning FO4 animations.


The all-in-one way to learn any FO4-specific animation stuff is the Fallout 4 Animation Kit, by ShadeAnimator and MaikCG. You can find here here on Nexus. It covers most of - if not all - the specifics of animation creation for Fallout 4 up until the export part. Note that you'll need to get 3DsMax and HCT 2014x64 yourself, as they are both tools that you have to buy.


Then, you have the "Adding custom animations to Fallout 4" guide by Vader66, over on LoversLab (NSFW). It explains how to add most animation types in the game without touching a single tool other than the Creation Kit.


As in every Bethesda game, the theory is one part then you'll have to deal with some quirks (such as the ones IanRB is going through) so it's not that easy. The FO4 animation and mesh creation is pretty documented though, so you should be able to get the full process fairly quickly nonetheless.

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