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Good combination of HD/hi-res texture replacers


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Theres a good bit of texture replacers out there, but they seem to be all over the place by different creators, only enhancing a few things and sometimes even just one thing for what ever reason. I was wondering if anyone was using a certain combination of mods to enhance their game. so far I have the ENB mod which great and I've adjusted my shadows to be less blocky, but thats about it. I've seen a few landscape mods and mods that seem to only target certain cities. I guess cities use entirely different textures for the most part? Anyway, i'm not not sure where to start. I was hoping there'd be one texture overhaul all in one type of thing, but I couldn't find one.
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Well my favorites are all of the "Not really HD" series of mods. They aren't HD, but they greatly improve upon the original textures and remain completely true to the original art designs. This is an example




Vurt's Flora overhaul is another great mod. Doesn't stay 100% true to the original art design, but in this case, it's a good thing!




This mod, imo, is the best rock replacer out there. The reasons I think so are


1. it remains pretty close to the original design while making them look real instead of plastic

2. The design looks very similar to the textures for the dwemer and draugr ruins. This is important to me for immersion because one should not see an environment filled with 1 type of rock and then see ruins of different types. This is something that other replacers fail to achieve.

3. It also happens to mach well with a lot of the other stone work in other Nord settlements, which is great for the same reason as #2





Hope this helps. I do have more mods than this installed, but I am very picky, so sometimes I only have a single texture from a mod. These are the only ones I've installed fully.

Edited by stars2heaven
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Here are a few more I use that change more than a few things. The main theme is the same as in my last post, they stay (atleast mostly) true to the original art design while not being too far out so that the textures distract instead of blend in with the surroundings





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