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Calenties beautiful bodies


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This mod does have nudity. If it doesn't, then you probably installed the NeverNude version. Uninstall the mod, and then reinstall it. In the installer make sure to not click the NeverNude body if you want nudity in your game.

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CBBE does not strip NPC's of their clothes, it just adds higher quality bodies and the option for nudity. If you want to strip people on command, then just open the console and click on the NPC you want to be stripped and type removeallitems.

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Did you click on the NPC you wanted to be nude? You need to click on the NPC, type in the console command, and then click enter. Then, you close the console. If that doesn't work, then I suppose you could give this mod a try. It might be what you're looking for.


Nude Spells:


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