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Oh, that neighbor


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¤ Flat 1: i had several neighbors:

1. the internet-hogger. there was a wireless box out in the hallway, and she would always manually move the antenna to point towards her flat, so that she would "get more internet" than everyone else. i would turn them back again.

2. the electricity-hogger. he would repeatedly black-out the floor, by using electrical ovens. i finally ordered him to quit it. and im a timid guy. just had enough :I

3. the turks. these guys were just awesome


¤ Flat 2:

1. the hyperactive. he brought a cat, burned up the balcony, and tore his door off the wall. he also destroyed the sofa, and the livingroom table. when i moved from there, i brought the cat with me, cus he neglected it.

2. the junkies. a couple, they were nice. one time i knocked on their door, to ask for a cigarette, and the guy was shooting up. that was very, very awkward... every now and then he would ride out on his harley (which he also rented out) to steal stuff. they never stole from me, or any other neighbor tho, and they took care of the cat whenever i was away.

3. my brother, he caused SWAT to arrive, fully armed. misunderstanding. naturally, the junkies got a bit on-edge.


¤ Flat 3:

1. the "red-cheeked football[soccer]-boy". he had his name written on kitchen utensils. his mother did that. nice guy.

2. the northerner, i never learned his name. he would be very soft-spoken, when pissed off: "how many times... have i told you... to fold together... empty milk cartons... and throw them away... ?" the same way you imagine an axe murderer talk to you, before axe-murdering you.

3. my brother managed to beat up a friend, smash his own room, smash the kitchen, kick the door down to another neighbor, and throw rocks at nearby houses, all in one night. its a miracle cops didnt show up. that was an annoying night.

4. the second internet hogger, this guy went far: he actually re-connected all the wires from the "connection room", resulting in everyone falling offline, so he litterally could have all the internet to himself. he didnt stop there! when eventually confronted by the landlords, he actually proteted "nooo! i WANT it ALL to myseeeeelf!!!" so they threw him out.


¤ Flat 4 (here):

1. my current neighbor knocked on my door 2-3 times a day, every day, to tell me trivial stuff, and im autistic, so even a single knock will drive me insane, and the house better be on fire *knock knock* "WHAT... " "Hello! I bought a book today!"

he would keep inventing new rules, also rules concerning my cat, which i played along with. at the very first "no." i gave him (when he decided the cat is hereby banned from stepping onto the door-mat, outside our door) he killed my cat, then threatened to have me beaten up by his friends.

right at this moment, he is in the livingroom, smiling by himself, in the darkness. sometimes he watches tv, with no volume on. needless to say, i resent him, but theres not much i can do. at least he doesnt knock on my door anymore.

bonus anecdote: one time, he knocked on my door, and i didnt answer. he kept knocking, untill he was fist-banging on my door, banging and banging. i finally opened, and he asked me something or other about what cable i used for the tv. oh, it doesnt end there: he then came back to bang, relentlessly on my door - to tell me that he found it inapropriate of me to knock on his door at such late hours. i was surprised, cus... i hadnt even touched his stupid door. ah well. *twitch* *hitchcock music*


Bonus neighbor:

At my dads:

1. Black-metal guy, who plays the tuba :D we hear him practice now and then

2. Flanders!!! he looks, sounds and behaves exactly like Ned Flanders :D down to the haircut, mustache, glasses, and winky greetings :D


Now tell me about your neighbors! favorites, and less-favorite :D

Edited by zegh8578
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DUde what the hell, he killed your cat? That's not right, man, you gotta do something about that.


Also my neighbours are alright. Don't kill my cats or anything.


i wish there was something i could do, but there isnt.

i loved that cat. i dont think he realizes what he did. he even tried to joke about it to cheer me up. obviously mentally ill... and obviously my most unpleasant neighbor so far. the landlord warned him against making threats, but doesnt want to pursuit anything else any further. and cops wont investigate anything like this. i did what i could, and now i just have to swallow being the loser in this, while he simply got away with it... life aint fair :/


i want a pet again, but im gonna get the hell away from this guy before i do, thats for sure.

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I would've brought out my shotgun had he killed my cat.


i know, its easy to think that. i had that cat for 6 years. but "irl", theres nothing i can do. whatever i do, would only become another problem for me. a cat doesnt matter to neither landlords nor police, so... he got away with it. and i just gotta bite the bullet.

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It's true, no one cares about pets. They can be your family and your best friends but no one will stick up for them except the people who love them. It's why my cat is an indoor cat where I can (hopefully, in theory) keep her safe.


We had a neighbor we were friendly with for a while until he and my husband had a falling out last year. I don't know the neighbors on the other side of us. My husband knows one of their names but I don't remember. They keep to themselves. We keep to ourselves.


The people who live up the hill behind our house are scumbag welfare cases who could work but doesn't. He claims he has some medical problem that prevents him from working yet I see him hauling heavy engine parts and other car parts all the time, helps his parents who live in a trailer on his property and doing all sorts of things that fall under the category of 'work' yet he doesn't have a job. He can take a long walk off a short pier for all I care. The guy is forever working outside on a car that never gets fixed and up and running. He's the quintessential Jeff Foxworthy redneck except that he actually mows his lawn...there's still a car or 2 in it though. We have nothing to do with those people.


I have more neighbors who live down the street but I don't know any of them either. We wave and they wave when they drive by our house if we're outside but otherwise, that's the extent of our contact. I don't really want to know any of them. One of them poisoned the scumbag neighbor's dog a couple of summers ago. Never found out who but my husband and I and the neighbor my hubby had the falling out with were mad. That dog used to cut across our yard and a couple of others to go somewhere, we think it hunted in the field across the street from our house and down the road a piece. He was a big old friendly pooch; never hurt anyone, never barked; never tore up anything, it just simply cut through our yards. But someone poisoned it for no reason. I still miss seeing him trotting down the hill behind our house. I would always see him while I was making coffee and getting my breakfast in the mornings. If they were going to poison someone, they should've poisoned the guy instead; he certainly has caused far more annoyance than that poor old dog ever did. But I'm not bitter.

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i know, its easy to think that. i had that cat for 6 years. but "irl", theres nothing i can do. whatever i do, would only become another problem for me. a cat doesnt matter to neither landlords nor police, so... he got away with it. and i just gotta bite the bullet.


Break the guy's legs, that should teach him not to mess with you. My neighbour learned that when a couple of 50 caliber holes appeared in his bedroom wall :devil:.

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You can report him for animal cruelty... that is considered destruction of another persons property. In this case, your property was living as well.


We all have those odd neighbors, funny neighbors, friendly neighbors (and TOO friendly neighbors), and hermits.


Like my previous neighbor; he was clearing snow off the hood of his BMW with a metal shovel. Odd guy.

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@zegh: OMFG!! You need to stend up for yourself, no one else will. If you allow some jerk to come into your house and boss you around then you have a serious problem. Most people here don't own guns(strict laws), but I'd like to see someone try to enter my house without my permission.


Most of my neighbours are kinda fancy and I know them all, not all of them by name, but we do say hello to each other. No weird people, except me and even I'm normal by some standars.

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Sheesh man, you got some crazy neighbours!


Most of mine are pretty quiet...but every once in awhile we get some real jerks that move in. People move in and out of this place very quickly, as most of the tenants are college kids.


Few years ago, we had an older couple move into the place below us. I'm all thinking they would be nice and quiet...I was wrong. They would blast the same CD on loop for 8-10 hours a day...and when they weren't, they were fighting and throwing stuff around. They lasted about 2 months before the landlord kicked them out. But, they left all their crappy furniture in the apartment and trashed the walls.


Then the one across the hall from me. She would just randomly knock on my door and have some crazy story to tell (5-6 times a day). She would do it to other neighbors too. When people started ignoring her, she went psycho and started to scream all the time in the hallway. She would complain constantly to the landlord about every single thing wrong with the building, and when he would come over, she would scream at him and call him some names I'd rather not mention. Only thing that kept her here was she payed rent on time. Landlord did wind up kicking her out because she wouldn't leave everyone alone. She wound up also destroying the walls and smearing PAINT all over the kitchen floor. The landlord didn't evict her, he actually let her out of her lease, and she still trashed the place... :facepalm:


My landlord doesn't put up with crap people. So, I'm lucky we've only had those two incidents of idiots in the 6 years I've lived here. This building is old and the hallways echo really bad...so you can't be very loud here. I'm glad all the people that live here now understand that.

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