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Oh, that neighbor


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On one side we have a woman who thinks that she's the queen, we generally avoid contact with her. Our neighbour on the other side passed away in November, she could be a little cranky but was alright once you got to know her. As for the OP, you should make moving your number one priority, where you live sounds like hell on earth.
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@zegh: OMFG!! You need to stend up for yourself, no one else will. If you allow some jerk to come into your house and boss you around then you have a serious problem. Most people here don't own guns(strict laws), but I'd like to see someone try to enter my house without my permission.


Most of my neighbours are kinda fancy and I know them all, not all of them by name, but we do say hello to each other. No weird people, except me and even I'm normal by some standars.


oh he knows not to bother me anymore. i am patient, but no pushover.


but i cant do _more_, without getting in serious trouble myself. i dont want trouble. i want to live in peace. i live in a shared house, where each room is a flat. thats why we are in such an annoying proximity to each others. its a condition i dont really like, cus... i prefer complete solitude, and here i cant even go take a dump without the risk of that jackass _having to_ say something, from the sofa "hello. i bought lightbulbs today."

i have even answered stuff like "yes, you know, i really really dont give a crap... " but he seems impervious to it, so i gave it up, and just try to ignore him...

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You can't really think you'll get in trouble for complaining to your landlord or reporting him to the police or something? I'd say he's disturbing the peace and generally being an obnoxious jackass.


i did complain to my landlord, and he did nothing about it.

and cops will do nothing. he killed a pet, and i cant prove it. even if i could prove it, he'd probably only get a slap-on-the-wrist. but.. i cant prove anything.

believe me, i want to do more, but i dont want to end up in trouble.

people are quick to suggest "shoot him" and stuff like that, but needless to point out, that would only end very badly for me :b

im gonna hope, intensely, that he gets run over in traffic or something...

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I have an amusing story about our last neighbors that might cheer you up a bit, as it's silly.


So, currently there are a couple of female college students living in the other half of our duplex, but this story isn't about them, it's about the previous tenant.


Alright, when we first moved in two years ago, we met our neighbors, who seemed nice enough. After a few weeks, we noticed a few odd things:


1. They seemed to always be awake.

2. They would go from laughing and joking, to a screaming fistfight, back to laughing, over the course of five or so minutes. It wasn't a one way thing with them, both of them repeatedly started these fist fights, which weren't so much worrying as amusing, since they couldn't fight and...

3. They were coke heads.


So, for months, we had to deal with this weirdness. They were never anything but nice to us though, so it wasn't a big deal. We did call the cops once and they came and talked to them, nothing happened though.


So, to git to the silly part, I have to backtrack. When we moved in, we were missing four closet doors out of our place. No one knew where they had gotten to, but it wasn't a big deal. The previous tenant here is the current repairman for the property as well, so he knew for a fact they had been there when he moved out only a month before us moving in.


Fast forward a year: The cokehead neighbors got kicked out for non-payment of rent. They pulled out their valuables which included gems such as a blow up clown and a broken rocking horse (also, they had no children). Once they were gone, the repairman and his sons came to clean the place. Opening the garage they discovered a treasure trove of abandoned random things such as: Old collectable license plates, antique lamps, broken tools of all kinds from a circular saw down to a snapped finishing hammer (not sure how they managed that) and lastly: One of our closet doors that had been Jackson Pollock'd with randomly assorted spray paint. But only one of them. We did find the other three closet door handles though.


I always like to imagine them high on their choice vice riding off into the sunset on a vehicle made of the other three doors, being pulled by their pitbull down the road.

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I used to have this guy next door. He would come into my house whenever the door was unlocked. No knock or anything, just tried the door, and if it was open he would come in. I also had a friend move in next door, after he tried my door he came up to me while i was helping get the stuff out the truck.

He stuck his grubby hands into almost every box, saying things like 'oh, this is cool. If you dont want it anymore ill have it' or 'You dont need this, ill take it'. He got away with none of it though. Just after we had all the boxes and furniture inside, he came up to the door, and yep, walked inside. 'How about a coffee so i can invite you to the neighborhood?' before i showed him out.


The trap: I got my GF to head out in my car one afternoon, I stayed inside. I wemt out to get my rifle from the safe in the garage through the back door of my house. I came back inside and held it. I have a clear view of the front door from the seat in the back room. I heard the door open and cycled the bolt (no ammo though) and just politely said 'Hey man, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE'.


He never bothered me or my mate again, and then the month later, moved away.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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I used to have this guy next door. He would come into my house whenever the door was unlocked. No knock or anything, just tried the door, and if it was open he would come in. I also had a friend move in next door, after he tried my door he came up to me while i was helping get the stuff out the truck.

He stuck his grubby hands into almost every box, saying things like 'oh, this is cool. If you dont want it anymore ill have it' or 'You dont need this, ill take it'. He got away with none of it though. Just after we had all the boxes and furniture inside, he came up to the door, and yep, walked inside. 'How about a coffee so i can invite you to the neighborhood?' before i showed him out.


The trap: I got my GF to head out in my car one afternoon, I stayed inside. I wemt out to get my rifle from the safe in the garage through the back door of my house. I came back inside and held it. I have a clear view of the front door from the seat in the back room. I heard the door open and cycled the bolt (no ammo though) and just politely said 'Hey man, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE'.


He never bothered me or my mate again, and then the month later, moved away.


Wow, just... Just WOW! Who does that?! And, Probably Would have Started to steal things from your house had you have not been there.


But anyways, Few years ago, had neighbors on the Left of us, They Were Nice people, but they moved out, Then the new ones moved in. About 1 month after they moved in, went on vacation for about a week. Left their Three freaking Dogs Tied up On the deck, They Kept Barking For over 12 hours Everyday! :facepalm:

Edited by somerandomsheepthathops
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ok is this real or some kind of strange trolling ? if you honestly have those kinds of neighbours get out of there. About the guy knocking on your door, i used to have this old lady always knocking on my door because something went wrong with her apartment, and for some reason i had something to do with it, the third time she did it i answered the door, looked at her really pissed off and irritated, acted like an douchebag (she went on a rant and i stood there looking over my shoulder at the tv and when she was done after like 2 straight minutes of ranting i told her "what ? sory didnt catch that" and closed the door). anyways she never came again, and i heard she was annoying another one of my neighbours on a regular basis recently, guess she just needs someone to annoy, nothing personal. About the guy that killed your cat, lets just say if i were to say what i would do to him i might get in trouble, so lets leave that for the imagination.


Edit: nice one to the guy with the rifle ! that dude was gonna steal from you for sure.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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ok is this real or some kind of strange trolling ? if you honestly have those kinds of neighbours get out of there. About the guy knocking on your door, i used to have this old lady always knocking on my door because something went wrong with her apartment, and for some reason i had something to do with it, the third time she did it i answered the door, looked at her really pissed off and irritated, acted like an douchebag (she went on a rant and i stood there looking over my shoulder at the tv and when she was done after like 2 straight minutes of ranting i told her "what ? sory didnt catch that" and closed the door). anyways she never came again, and i heard she was annoying another one of my neighbours on a regular basis recently, guess she just needs someone to annoy, nothing personal. About the guy that killed your cat, lets just say if i were to say what i would do to him i might get in trouble, so lets leave that for the imagination.


Edit: nice one to the guy with the rifle ! that dude was gonna steal from you for sure.


as you can see, those are different places where i lived.

im an oddball myself, so im not gonna move out just because my neighbors are weird.

now, this last one, had i known how far he would go, obviously, i woulda moved out on the spot. now its a little late for that of course.


and about the last part: exactly. thats all. people are quick to go "dude! if i were you i woulda blaaasted that mofo with my shotgun yeeehaw!" but such things are very easy to say. irl, theres really not a lot you can do.

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This man is obviously a danger to others, as he has proven by killing your cat. I wouldn't complain to the police of him killing your cat if you don't think they'll care- I'd ask the other neighbors if he's scared them or threatened them. Get some names together and tell the cops you've got a dangerous crazy living next to you and you and your neighbors don't feel safe.
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