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Animation Requests - Wasteland Salvation


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Ahoy thar me hearties!


I'm looking for a few new animations to add to Wasteland Salvation, most of which are intended to be used by the player (looking good in first and third person, but specifically first person). If third person is a problem first person only is perfectly fine - the events can always be forced to happen in first person only (like entering the cryo-pod).


Basically I'm looking mostly for alternate animations to the generic 'bleedout' animation for when the player gets KO'd. The more the better and less repetitive the mod will feel, hopefully.


Suggested Animations:

  • Alternate 'lying' animations - character lying on their back. (Super mega bonuses if you can get an animation that pairs up with the hospital gurney object in-game.
  • Character slumped backwards against something (wall, tree, whatever).
  • Barely conscious flailing
  • Various generic "death" / "KO'd" animations
  • (Might be hard?) Animation like the character is being dragged along the ground by the back of their shirt or whatever. Character view's looking AWAY from whoever's dragging them, so you don't have to worry about actually pairing the animation. (Hah, in 3rd person it'd just be the player sliding along the floor backwards as if dragged by a possessed shirt-label)


Various Inspiration Sources


Most of these videos contain spoilers, mostly because I got them by searching "Death Scenes".


Battlefield 3: Rat Death - Possible Easter egg / rare animation

Battlefield 3: Generic Death

Battlefield 3: Disorientated Crawling

Some sort of CoD: Backflop, arm outstretched

Also CoD: Reaching for weapon, raiders says no. (Paired animation? Player reaches for weapon, hand/arm gets stomped on, weapon gets kicked away?)

Mass Effect 2: The 'Revival' scene








Credits on Wasteland Salvation

A giant toblerone?

Edited by Athanasa
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As a thought (and not editing this in because my mobile hates Nexus), this is probably a great mod for people to start out working on and maybe start gaining a reputation.



Because of the way the scenes in W.Salv are intended to work you won't NEED to make sure your animations start or end smoothly, or even loop - they'll mostly be part of small scenes as your character dips in and out of consciousness. This means that any awkward / buggy starts and finishes can be hidden by black screen overlays, letting you focus on what matters from the players view.



One person doesn't need to contribute everything - give what you can, get credit. If all you have is one animation, great! Ten animations? Also great!


(Potentially and optically your name could appear in small text in a corner of the players screen as your animation plays. Something unobtrusive, and a great way to advertise yourself)

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