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Create your own guilds?


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If this isnt planned already then I would like a mod where you can create your own guild and hire people to join you. Some ideas below.



-Hire people that are your friends, or people could be created.

-some sort of servant that tells you when jobs are available.

-maybe involve a quest line.

-have buildings available in all major cities to server as your base.

-your "guild mates" may go on jobs by themselves.

-Have merchant(s) that sell stuff that the guild gets on job runs.

-personal quests for members.

-name the guild

-create a banner, maybe


Note: Iam not sure if some of these are even possible, im just spit ballin.



feel free to mention any other ideas.

Edited by Jah92pizza
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Hmmmm, interesting idea, it would be kind of like "Real Time Settler" for Fallout 3 I assume?

Place a (enterable)house/fortress/castle, walls around it, put a sign on it that you can name.

I guess that would be pretty cool :turned:

Also; Have there be "Wanderer" or "Homeless" NPC that kind of spawn randomly, you can hire them into your guild and equip them, make them follow you, eventually rank them up!!!


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