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purple fire place....


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This popped up last night i didn't do anything crazy to get this.... Anyone know where i can find the texture or mesh to repair this. I converted the Warmaiden from original Skyrim after i found this purple fireplace but it did not fix the issue... If someone could post a valid texture of mesh for this i would be eternally grateful. I also ran the verify game cache with no issues.

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UIExtensions or Extended UI have the ability (both I think have it) to display information about the targeted object in the console. I think they can tell you the .nif file connected to an object, but I'd have to go back and see.


In any case, you can find out which texture specifically is missing by opening the fireplace mesh in a hexeditor and finding the texture from there. The easy way would be to download another texture mod that does stone walls, like anything modifying house or building textures.

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