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Game not starting


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Hi. I know this is my first post but I have no idea what is going on. I used a couple of mods in Oblivion and yesterday it was working, today I added the Supreme Magicka and the game refuses to start. I am using OBSE and everything that should be required from this mod. I don't know if it's because of my mod loading order or something else but here is a screenshot of my mod list. I would like to know what I'm doing wrong here :/

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Troubleshooting is always easiest when you've only added a single mod to a working game and then it breaks ... pretty short list to start looking for the problem.

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No I wasn't suggesting your load list was long or anything like that.


My point was, your's was an easy solve because you only added a single mod to a working game, and then it broke. There are tons of threads here that involve somebody adding a ton of mods to the game at once, of course breaking it, and then expecting anyone to just magically figure out where in their tangled mess is the problem.


Modding the game is a journey to be savored and enjoyed ... you have made a good start along that path.

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So I misunderstood your comment.

Well my logic was why add hundreds of mods and see the game break and wonder what did I do wrong if I can add one or two mods and see if it works though I did add them one by one ;) To be honest this is my first foray into modding something like Oblivion but I am enjoying the amount and variety of mods that I can find and give them a shot. And I do agree that it should be something we enjoy and not break the game and blame everyone for not fixing it instantly for them.

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You will be a welcome addition to our troubleshooting team here Arthum. Most all of what I've learned was through other's mistakes, not my own ... in a way I'm indebted to those "less cautious" types.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence, will have to check this part of the forum more often to learn something more about modding. It certainly does prolong a games life span and how interesting the game can be :) But I do agree that learning on other peoples mistakes is a good thing, at least you don't have to make their mistakes though for most of the people where I live it seems to be a foreign concept xD

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These forums used to be a lot busier with problems than they are these days. Even the mod comments interface has slowed down on Nexus Mods Oblivion.


Something to keep in mind as you're installing mods ... it's a pretty rare occurrence to run into anything these days that somebody (or a hundred somebodies) hasn't run into already. Looking back through the mod comments is the same as tapping into a gold mine.


Psst ... don't tell anyone, but I'm actually an alien.

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