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Teach the Brotherhood pilots how to read a map


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I'd like to see a mod that lets the vertibirds take you to a location on your map regardless of whether or not you've discovered it yet.


Really, the pilot's ability to fly somewhere shouldn't be based on whether or not I've been there. We're flying over everything and the pilot is the one flying the vertibird. My navigation abilities shouldn't be coming into play here.

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Really, the pilot's ability to fly somewhere shouldn't be based on whether or not I've been there. We're flying over everything and the pilot is the one flying the vertibird. My navigation abilities shouldn't be coming into play here.

1) Yes! Although maybe require you to have passed a certain point in the Brotherhood quest chain? So you're counted as valuable enough to be allowed to commandeer a vertibird.


2) How do the vertibirds actually land? Is their landing location actually determined by a static marker linked to the location like quick travel, or is it calculated on arrival?


3) Make pilots refuse to drop you on the ground in the middle of Boston. Why? Because imagine the clipping of a vertibird trying to land in an alleyway. Better to avoid that issue by just preventing them from even trying.


4) Have the option to fly over Boston anyway, to allow jumping out in Power Armor.


5) Does Vertibird flight over points discover then in the Vanilla game? I can't remember. Either way, you'd want to make sure that flying miles above things didn't unlock their location automatically.


BONUS! Get to experience the flight from the passenger seat in the cockpit.


On a side note, you can SORT of do this already. Board a Vertibird, pick a location to begin flying there. Mid flight, pick a DIFFERENT location and the Bird will turn to make a straight line there. By picking when to change destinations and where to aim you can sort of criss-cross the map. You just need to be in Power Armor to jump out of the Bird, and have enough destinations discovered to fill the gaps.

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