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whether in falout 3?


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dont you find it odd that its never raining in the weastland?snowing or even foggy?

how a bout radioactive rain?

its sould be called "California weastland"


theres a mod for s.t.a.l.k.e.r cop called "atmosphere" that would be awesome for fallout 3.


so this kind of a mod Requests

Edited by NetDigger
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There's a mod called Dynamic Weather for Fallout 3. There is also Fellout, Empirical Weather, Enhanced Weather, Road Warrior Weather, Wasteland Moods...


Going to FO3Nexus and typing "Weather" into the search bar can't be that hard!

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I would recommend Enhanced Weather or The Wasteland Moods by TheOutbreak. Theres also a mod that combines these two but it's in german and I'm not quite sure what names are affected by the weather mods. Just try them out and decide for yourself which one suits you better.
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I'd recommend to try install both Enhanced Weather and Dynamic Weather.

Yes, they are compatible with one another.


Just install Enhanced Weather first, then Dynamic Weather. And more sure you put them in the right position in your load order.

If you don't know much about that, use BOSS to auto-sort your load order.

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they will work with Fellout?after the installtion the adv.recon thermal stop working,do you know anyting about that?

the rain looks great,its seem so natural,i dont know way bethesda decide to not include it the game.

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they will work with Fellout?after the installtion the adv.recon thermal stop working,do you know anyting about that?

the rain looks great,its seem so natural,i dont know way bethesda decide to not include it the game.


Not sure about this, check out the mods descripton maybe it contains details about that since there will be probably issues because Fellout alters the night brightness as far as I know!

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Enhanced Weather's mod description says that it works best with Fellout. Fellout's full name is rather misleading; it doesn't really add rain or snow or anything of the like to the game. Just gets rid of that awful green tint and make nights really, really dark.


Also, if you go with Fellout, go for the Paradox Ignition The Mergers version. It's pretty stable and combines all its plugins into a single plugin, which makes room on your load order--you can only run about 150 before things get wonky, and both Enhanced Weather and Dynamic Weather add a LOT of plugins on their own.

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so Paradox Ignition 1 esp contains all the felout esp?

i currently runnung a bout 200 mods,this Mergers project is essential.too meny mods have like 7 esp plugin,if i counld shrink all of them into 1 esp it would solve a lot of truble.


"19th and 20th Century Weapons"mod have 14(!)esp. can i shrinks them into 1 esp?-one esp to rules them all :tongue:

"Marts Mutant Mod" have 11


--FO3Edit cant do that?

Edited by NetDigger
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so Paradox Ignition 1 esp contains all the felout esp?

i currently runnung a bout 200 mods,this Mergers project is essential.too meny mods have like 7 esp plugin,if i counld shrink all of them into 1 esp it would solve a lot of truble.


"19th and 20th Century Weapons"mod have 14(!)esp. can i shrinks them into 1 esp?-one esp to rules them all :tongue:

"Marts Mutant Mod" have 11


--FO3Edit cant do that?


The Mergers is inactive at the moment--the author is currently working on a NV mod. He might return to The Mergers when it's done, but he doesn't know at the moment. Not all mods can be merged like that, though--Dynamic Weather is one such mod that can't use such merges.

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