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Console Command and Spell Question


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There are two questions in this post that I hope someone can help me with. The first concerns the ability to duplicate items in multiple amounts, like food stuffs (i.e. cabbages, cheese rolls, potatoes, etc.). I know about the command "player.placeatme", which is used in the video below, but I've tried it with the ID code for a food item like cabbage and it doesn't do anything. Watch the hiliarious video below where this guy creates thousands of cabbages in a cottage and you will understand what I'm trying to do.




How can you do this? I do not see a way to copy and paste in the command console, let alone get the command to work properly. Any help would be appreciated. I want to have some fun with this feature.


Second question: How do you get the Telekinesis Spell to work? I've tried over and over again to make it pull an object to me to no avail. Seems like a broken ability to me. For those that have bought the spell book and acquired the power, have you managed to make it work?

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Alright, never mind about the first question. I figured it out. You have to use the help command to get the real ID code for an object and not the one shown when you click on something. Why are there two codes? That's just stupid. Anyway, if you want to spawn, say 100 cabbages, you type "player.placeatme 00064b3f 100" (without the quotes, of course). I did this on the steps of High Hrothgar for fun results. Then you can blast them around with the Unrelenting Force shout. To get a real ID code for an object, type "help <object name> 4" (without quotes). Be sure your computer is fast though. Not thinking straight, I tried to spawn 1000 cheese rolls on the steps of Markarth and it froze the game up. Had to restart. Next time I'll stick to a lower number. I just wish there was a way to copy and paste the typed line instead of retyping it each time.
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In the console menu, all you have to do is hit the up arrow on your keyboard, and it re-enters what you previously put in.


So like, player.additem f 4000, ENTER




After hitting the up arrow and ENTER key three more times, you'll have 16000 gold.



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