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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Thats another thing I don't even understand how something like PA could be resistant to rads. It takes a solid four walls and a floor and a ceiling with no space at all in between any of them not even microscopically to properly keep out radiation any crack or space at all and it gets in. The only thing dense enough to stop radiation is lead and it has to be thick too.


Depends very heavily on what type of radiation you're talking about. Gamma radiation is very penetrating, but for radiation lingering long after a nuclear blast you're looking at radioactive dust, for that stuff the main protection is not getting it in or on your body and a thin airtight suit with a good gasmask will go a long way to doing that. Most radiation actually has quite a limited range in air or through denser material like anything solid. Sources that are more penetrating are generally shorter lived, or rarer. A hazmat suit is going to do nothing if you swim to the bottom of a reactor pool, stand in the open near a nuclear detonation or rub yourself on a particle accelerator, but otherwise? It's not really that hard to offer some level of radiation safety, an airtight steel suit with an NBC filter on the air intake sounds like it'd be slightly more protective than real life hazmat suits.

Edited by Lt Albrecht
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Let's not forget that this is in a universe where radiation makes things larger, one can take a diuretic that makes all your rads go away and life threatening injuries can be fixed right up with a couple needles of unknown healing substances.


Funny you mention the reactor pool - you're absolutely right in that a hazmat suit is useless if you get extremely close to the fuel rods, although you don't even need one if you don't dive to the bottom.

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It's unfortunate but not that big a deal; no need to worry. It's kind of... better to not post about it at all, though. I don't know if you've heard of the Streisand Effect? ;)


I'd say that it might be better to edit that information out of your post, but then someone else might come along and post the same thing anyway just to make sure I know about it. Can't do much about that.

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Let's not forget that this is in a universe where radiation makes things larger, one can take a diuretic that makes all your rads go away and life threatening injuries can be fixed right up with a couple needles of unknown healing substances.


Funny you mention the reactor pool - you're absolutely right in that a hazmat suit is useless if you get extremely close to the fuel rods, although you don't even need one if you don't dive to the bottom.

I considered putting that very link in the post, there truly is an XKCD for everything. Bless you, Randall Munroe you esoteric weirdo.

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Let's not forget that this is in a universe where radiation makes things larger, one can take a diuretic that makes all your rads go away and life threatening injuries can be fixed right up with a couple needles of unknown healing substances.


Funny you mention the reactor pool - you're absolutely right in that a hazmat suit is useless if you get extremely close to the fuel rods, although you don't even need one if you don't dive to the bottom.


RadAway actually makes some measure of logical sense. Radioactive particles need to actually bind to something in order to do their damage. RadAway is conceivably delivered intravenously,putting it directly into the bloodstream for rapid dispersal. Conceivably,RadAway can bind to radioactive particles in the body,before or after they bind to your precious tissues,in such a manner that makes further bonding impossible. They'll then eventually get passed from your body via the kidneys and bladder,and it wouldn't be hard to get a potent diuretic in the mix,as well in order to facilitate the process.

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Radaway more or less acts like how detergent removes dirt and grime - detergent molecules have a hydrophilic end and a lipophilic end - one attaches to grease molecules, other attaches to water molecules and the grease molecule then gets abducted.


There's a few real analogues to Rad-X in real life and from the wikipedia page for ex-rad, it even seems to function as a radaway of sorts (supposedly it can protect blood-producing and gastrointestinal tissue from radiation damage before or after exposure) but the mechanism of action is different than that of radaway.

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Something I was thinking about while reading the first page of this thread again is, how are super mutants going to use the assault rifle now? The thing has custom animations right? so they can't use those without another mod that makes supermutants use custom animations. I guess you could fix it with a keyword since we will only see 3rd person anims on them so they would just hold it with vanilla anims that could be controlled by that keyword and a condition that references supermutants I guess. I would hate to see a game where supermutants just run at me with melee weapons because they can't use an assault rifle anymore.

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