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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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That's the plan, yes. Sgtbarney's resource includes a foregrip like that. I'm still wanting to make use of his resource to replace the assets for the vanilla Tommy Gun, but that's planned for after the first release of the mod, because while the vanilla weapon is somewhat misshapen... it is still a Tommy Gun.

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I wonder. What sort of majiggering would it take to make a Bren? I realize it's far from modern,but I would be right at home in the Eternal Sixties world of Fallout. Canted sights,top-mounted vertical magazine. 7.62mm NATO. From what my old man has told me,it's like a laser in experienced hands.

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It doesn't have to be modern (by whatever definition) to be in WARS; it's more like "weapons I think make sense in Fallout" - or even just "weapons I personally want in Fallout".


For a Bren Gun it would take the usual, really; models, textures, animations, sounds, time. It's not something I'm likely to have time for myself, sorry; too much other work, as usual.

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Hey antistar, first off I want to wish you good luck and perseverance for your plans.

Ever since I first stumbled upon this thread I was hyped, I'd agree with most of your complaints and ideas. Like many others in this thread I'm hesitating to start another playthrough without WARS as foundation. Wish I could be of any help.


There's one thing I wanted to ask, and I'm really sorry if it was already mentioned in this thread. (I really, really hate to be THAT guy :D)


I always thought it would be nice to find almost all weapons right from the start, but to regulate stats and progression through some kind of damaged/worn receivers and gun parts. You'd be able to repair or exchange those parts only if you invest into perks, gun nut or something similar. Or maybe through schematics.

It always bugs me to reach, idk level 15, and the first vendor I talk to has somehow got a shipment of shiny new stuff. Or the next five gunners I stumble upon have received new gear out of the blue.


I don't know if my idea makes any more sense, I just wanted to ask your opinion about the topic.


Edit: Similar to those strange magical effects of legendary weapons I'd remove legendary enemies altogether and make them stronger/more dangerous through better gear, special ammo, better gun parts. That would obviously work only on humanoid enemies.

Edited by requested
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Here's the mod page:




I did have one mini-14, but unfortunately it's being sold for someone else and has been highly modified for accuracy. Taking it apart would have been... not good for both of those reasons.


I believe the only ones not covered now (aside from the heavy weapons like the minigun or Barrett) are the Thompson, VSG/Radium Rifle, Lever-Action, and Mini-14. There's not really much utility in an SMG for civilians, which is why I don't have many. I think you'll be able to come up with some ballpark values based on similar weapons though.


Actually knowing the weight of a weapon's trigger group might be useful - if it's one that can have semi vs auto/select-fire trigger groups, of course. Or it might not - so far I've just been assuming that the weight difference when swapping one for another would be negligible (because you can't outright remove one and have nothing there) so I've left them all with a weight of zero... but I could be wrong there obviously.

Exactly correct; there's such a minuscule difference between them it's not worth the effort to separate them from the receiver. The only reason I could see for needing it is if you want the misc item for the trigger group omods to have the actual weight of the item; if it were me I'd set all of them to half a pound and be done with it. Some weapons change differently though; AKs for example change only the trigger parts directly, while an FAL or MP5 change more like an AR15 in that they have dedicated lower receivers for different trigger groups.


Some comments on caliber conversions:

1. While generally not practical in real life, I find that they add an extra layer of usability/adaptability to guns in video games, especially ones like fallout. It'd be really useful if you had a ton of one ammo type and a bunch of different guns, and you wanted to arm a bunch of settlers for example.

2. You can't go from a short cartridge to a longer one; the action would have to be lengthened, at which point you might as well get a new gun. E.g. you can go from .30-06 to .308, but not vice versa.

3. Some oddball conversions do exist, like .308 to .45ACP and 7.62x39 to 10mm/.40SW. The only problem would be magazines, but personally I'd be willing to overlook that in a video game.

4. I second the vote earlier in the thread of making the Mini-14 convertible to 7.62x39 (a Mini-30). The action can handle it and the magazines are very similar, as pointed out before. If not convertible, then another weapon entirely as the same model could be used.

Edited by kuzi127
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I've been working on the Minigun recently. Here are some shots of it (plus a couple of the AR-15 I've had sitting around for a while):


- Minigun 01

- Minigun 02

- Minigun 03

- AR-15 41

- AR-15 42


I gave the Minigun two more optics attachments: the "Precision Sights" and "Precision Glow Sights" - which are the same except for the glowing bits. The vanilla "Gunner Sight" is a little makeshift-looking - and these are too - but they also give a more precise point of aim, hence the name.

I also gave it a laser sight. I may give it a tactical light too; not sure yet.

By the way, at the moment the Minigun in WARS does more than ten times the damage of the vanilla Minigun... but it also has ten times the recoil. (Its 5mm ammo is slated to be renamed/generally changed to 7.62x51mm.) It's brutally powerful... but good luck hitting anything consistently at range. Also with realistic weight values (based loosely on the M134 Minigun), it's very heavy - and so is its ammo... which it chews through insanely quickly, of course. I've only just made these changes so I'll have to see how it goes in testing. Miniguns are hard to get "right" in computer games, so this is all subject to change.


With the AR-15 there isn't much new in terms of art assets there - though I did tweak the materials a bit. Mainly this pair of shots is to show the difference in weight between the lightest configuration of the AR-15 and the heaviest - and to give a look at the dynamic naming changes in WARS in action. Like I've mentioned before, I'm trying to use real-world naming conventions here - that update as you modify the weapon. (M4A1, M16A3, etc.)

(NB: Besides the weight, these stats changed since I took these screenshots.)



Hey antistar, first off I want to wish you good luck and perseverance for your plans.

Ever since I first stumbled upon this thread I was hyped, I'd agree with most of your complaints and ideas. Like many others in this thread I'm hesitating to start another playthrough without WARS as foundation. Wish I could be of any help.


There's one thing I wanted to ask, and I'm really sorry if it was already mentioned in this thread. (I really, really hate to be THAT guy :D)


I always thought it would be nice to find almost all weapons right from the start, but to regulate stats and progression through some kind of damaged/worn receivers and gun parts. You'd be able to repair or exchange those parts only if you invest into perks, gun nut or something similar. Or maybe through schematics.

It always bugs me to reach, idk level 15, and the first vendor I talk to has somehow got a shipment of shiny new stuff. Or the next five gunners I stumble upon have received new gear out of the blue.


I don't know if my idea makes any more sense, I just wanted to ask your opinion about the topic.


Edit: Similar to those strange magical effects of legendary weapons I'd remove legendary enemies altogether and make them stronger/more dangerous through better gear, special ammo, better gun parts. That would obviously work only on humanoid enemies.


Thanks - and that is basically what I'm doing with the receiver levels in WARS. No more "Standard", "Advanced", "Tuned", etc receivers; each weapon has five receivers representing the overall condition of the weapon: Awful, Poor, Average, Good, Perfect.


As for essentially "de-levelling" weapon spawns... phew, that's kind of a big topic. I think it does make sense for weapons and whatever else to just be out there and not appear based on a gamey progression curve... but I do also like that feeling of progression, and it can allow for more varied combat experiences over the course of a play-through. If everyone is just using their ideal weapons right from the start, it can feel sort of flat - even if the stats (and weapon mods, to an extent) attached to those weapons are changing.


A compromise might be for it to be possible to encounter higher-tier weapons at any level... just very rare at low levels. You'd get the occasional amazing find, but might have trouble keeping it fed for a while if everyone around you is using different ammo. Then later on this weapon type might become more common and away you go. You can imagine whatever meta narrative you like for certain things becoming more common over time; maybe the Gunners are getting more supplies brought in due to rising tensions in the area (look to be honest I don't even know what they're supposed to be doing in the Commonwealth), or a group of raiders cracks into some old weapons cache somewhere, etc.


Anyway, I'll be giving it some thought. :)



Here's the mod page:


I did have one mini-14, but unfortunately it's being sold for someone else and has been highly modified for accuracy. Taking it apart would have been... not good for both of those reasons.

I believe the only ones not covered now (aside from the heavy weapons like the minigun or Barrett) are the Thompson, VSG/Radium Rifle, Lever-Action, and Mini-14. There's not really much utility in an SMG for civilians, which is why I don't have many. I think you'll be able to come up with some ballpark values based on similar weapons though.

Actually knowing the weight of a weapon's trigger group might be useful - if it's one that can have semi vs auto/select-fire trigger groups, of course. Or it might not - so far I've just been assuming that the weight difference when swapping one for another would be negligible (because you can't outright remove one and have nothing there) so I've left them all with a weight of zero... but I could be wrong there obviously.

Exactly correct; there's such a minuscule difference between them it's not worth the effort to separate them from the receiver. The only reason I could see for needing it is if you want the misc item for the trigger group omods to have the actual weight of the item; if it were me I'd set all of them to half a pound and be done with it. Some weapons change differently though; AKs for example change only the trigger parts directly, while an FAL or MP5 change more like an AR15 in that they have dedicated lower receivers for different trigger groups.

Some comments on caliber conversions:
1. While generally not practical in real life, I find that they add an extra layer of usability/adaptability to guns in video games, especially ones like fallout. It'd be really useful if you had a ton of one ammo type and a bunch of different guns, and you wanted to arm a bunch of settlers for example.
2. You can't go from a short cartridge to a longer one; the action would have to be lengthened, at which point you might as well get a new gun. E.g. you can go from .30-06 to .308, but not vice versa.
3. Some oddball conversions do exist, like .308 to .45ACP and 7.62x39 to 10mm/.40SW. The only problem would be magazines, but personally I'd be willing to overlook that in a video game.
4. I second the vote earlier in the thread of making the Mini-14 convertible to 7.62x39 (a Mini-30). The action can handle it and the magazines are very similar, as pointed out before. If not convertible, then another weapon entirely as the same model could be used.



Thanks very much. :) You said there that you don't need to be credited, but you are going in the WARS credits; thanks for all your work on this. I've only had time for a quick comparison to the values I'd already come up with for some of the weapons (e.g. I did the R700 Rifle recently), and I wasn't too far off, mostly... but could certainly stand to be closer. So thanks - I appreciate it. :)



Ah, yeah; I do need weights for the loose mod objects. So far, I think I've just been giving the trigger group loose mods a weight of 0.1 lb, but if you think that 0.5 lb is a more reasonable ballpark figure I'll just use that.


With converting from a short cartridge to a long one not being possible/practical; unfortunately that's not something I can control - when swapping weapon mods on the same "slot" you get a list to choose from and that's it. Can't control direction.


With conversions between very different calibres - that would have noticeably different magazines - I'd say it's probably possible to have the magazine change appropriately, just more work of course. Maybe the conversion could be done on the magazine slot, thus changing the magazine appearance. You could even have the magazine slot parented to the calibre slot, meaning that you'd have to manually attach an appropriate magazine omod after swapping the calibre, or have a non-functioning gun, most likely. I don't know that I want to give the player enough rope to hang themselves with in that regard, though.


I am leaning towards making the Mini-30 a possibility. If I can get away with not changing the appearance of any of the Mini-14 magazines, then it would be dead-easy, so why not?

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I find it very odd to have an optical sight on a chainsaw gripped weapon. How are you supposed to even use it? You have to hoist that huge thing up to eye level,and that is NOT a stable firing platform for something so huge held like that. You either shoot them from the knee,or not at all.

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Holy cheeseballs that mall ninja'd-to-hell M16A3 lmao...now it just needs a foregrip bipod haha


Really like the new minigun sights though, the gunner sight just throws my aim off. Would be pretty great if there was a way to mount this on the mounted minigun mesh without it being tilted.

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