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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Thanks for the credit then; happy to help out.



Ah, yeah; I do need weights for the loose mod objects. So far, I think I've just been giving the trigger group loose mods a weight of 0.1 lb, but if you think that 0.5 lb is a more reasonable ballpark figure I'll just use that.


With converting from a short cartridge to a long one not being possible/practical; unfortunately that's not something I can control - when swapping weapon mods on the same "slot" you get a list to choose from and that's it. Can't control direction.


With conversions between very different calibres - that would have noticeably different magazines - I'd say it's probably possible to have the magazine change appropriately, just more work of course. Maybe the conversion could be done on the magazine slot, thus changing the magazine appearance. You could even have the magazine slot parented to the calibre slot, meaning that you'd have to manually attach an appropriate magazine omod after swapping the calibre, or have a non-functioning gun, most likely. I don't know that I want to give the player enough rope to hang themselves with in that regard, though.


0.1 or 0.2 is probably closer to what they actually are; I don't really know why I said half a pound. Dramatic effect maybe.


What I meant by that was you could look at the base cartridge for the weapon and not give it any conversions that would break that rule; you could always go back to the bigger round the gun originally had. E.g. for the AK, you could give it a 10mm conversion, but not a .308 one since it's a much larger round. Unless you're using a specific mod association just for calibers and are giving that to all the guns, or something like that; then that wouldn't be possible to control.


I agree with you on that. While realism is cool, some things just don't translate well to video games. I play a lot of Escape From Tarkov (great game btw), and I see a lot of forum posts from people who (understandably) haven't learned a lot about weapon design and modification. They don't understand why their gun isn't working after modding it; turns out it was because they forgot to attach a gas block or charging handle or something small like that. I would say just go with the easier approach on that one.



I did like how in vanilla FO4, I usually found one or two hunting rifles at low levels, but almost no ammo. It forced me to think tactically about which situations I should use it in given its much higher damage but extremely limited ammo supply. That compromise method seems like a good way to go.


The minigun should probably only be used in power armor anyway... unless you're a super mutant or your name is Arnold.

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Holy cheeseballs that mall ninja'd-to-hell M16A3 lmao...now it just needs a foregrip bipod haha


Really like the new minigun sights though, the gunner sight just throws my aim off. Would be pretty great if there was a way to mount this on the mounted minigun mesh without it being tilted.

A grip-pod, eh? Funny you should say that...


I don't think I have a handy save where I can test vertibird miniguns right now (I kind of blew up the BoS in my playthrough), but I can probably look at adding sights to them at some point. The Gunner Sight seems more appropriate to a minigun mounted on something, but in-game it's lacking a front sight, which has always been its main problem.



Thanks for the credit then; happy to help out.


0.1 or 0.2 is probably closer to what they actually are; I don't really know why I said half a pound. Dramatic effect maybe.


What I meant by that was you could look at the base cartridge for the weapon and not give it any conversions that would break that rule; you could always go back to the bigger round the gun originally had. E.g. for the AK, you could give it a 10mm conversion, but not a .308 one since it's a much larger round. Unless you're using a specific mod association just for calibers and are giving that to all the guns, or something like that; then that wouldn't be possible to control.


I agree with you on that. While realism is cool, some things just don't translate well to video games. I play a lot of Escape From Tarkov (great game btw), and I see a lot of forum posts from people who (understandably) haven't learned a lot about weapon design and modification. They don't understand why their gun isn't working after modding it; turns out it was because they forgot to attach a gas block or charging handle or something small like that. I would say just go with the easier approach on that one.



I did like how in vanilla FO4, I usually found one or two hunting rifles at low levels, but almost no ammo. It forced me to think tactically about which situations I should use it in given its much higher damage but extremely limited ammo supply. That compromise method seems like a good way to go.


The minigun should probably only be used in power armor anyway... unless you're a super mutant or your name is Arnold.

Ah - that makes more sense. I don't know why I thought you were saying with calibre conversions that "you can't go back", essentially. Busy day yesterday; I was sort of distracted. But yes; no Glock pistols in .50 BMG, got it. ;) That much seems obvious to me, at least.


No singleplayer is kind of a deal-breaker for me, but besides that, Escape from Tarkov looks amazing. Really wish it had singleplayer. (To be honest I'm probably wishing it was STALKER 2, really.) I also wish that FO4 had its weapon modification system - especially that nice PC-centric interface.


I'm told that the upcoming AmmoTweaks update has a STR requirement framework for weapons, so my hope is that you will need to either have STR 10 or be in power armour to effectively use a minigun. Otherwise you'll move at a crawl with it equipped - plus some other penalties I think. An accuracy penalty maybe? I can't remember them all off the top of my head.

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Heh, yeah I was referring to the grip-pod of the SA80 family of rifles, but thought it'd be funny to mount it on the M203 in that picture lol


The gunner sight would be appropriate if it weren't so shoddy. It throws off my aim more than sightless minigun, probably because of the support wires holding up the inner circle being tilted at angles. The funny thing is that it needs glass even though you can't actually see any lenses on it.


There are mods out there that stick the vanilla gunner sight onto the vertibird door gun but since they just use the vanilla gunner sight in the same position as the one you can stick on the portable version, it's makeshift and it also seems to throw off my aim more than the sightless minigun. Would be great if it got a proper anti air spider sight or something similar for it though. The one from that pic of the M134 seems like a great replacement for the vanilla gunner sight, and the simple AA sight commonly seen in pictures of shipboard M2 Brownings also seems pretty cool to use for the vertibird mounted guns.

Edited by Bottletopman
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Heh, yeah I was referring to the grip-pod of the SA80 family of rifles, but thought it'd be funny to mount it on the M203 in that picture lol


The gunner sight would be appropriate if it weren't so shoddy. It throws off my aim more than sightless minigun, probably because of the support wires holding up the inner circle being tilted at angles. The funny thing is that it needs glass even though you can't actually see any lenses on it.


There are mods out there that stick the vanilla gunner sight onto the vertibird door gun but since they just use the vanilla gunner sight in the same position as the one you can stick on the portable version, it's makeshift and it also seems to throw off my aim more than the sightless minigun. Would be great if it got a proper anti air spider sight or something similar for it though. The one from that pic of the M134 seems like a great replacement for the vanilla gunner sight, and the simple AA sight commonly seen in pictures of shipboard M2 Brownings also seems pretty cool to use for the vertibird mounted guns.


Yeah, the Gunner Sight requiring glass to make was a pretty weird one - but then there's a whole lot of weird component choices in the vanilla weapon mod recipes. I'm changing things like that when I see them, but I'm not going over all the recipes with a fine tooth comb or anything; it would take far too long.


Anyway, this mod looks to add the Gunner Sight to the Vertibird Minigun in possibly the right place? Can't really test it right now to see how accurate its positioning is though, like I said.



what weapons have been replaced, where can I download them? thnx


Please read the OP.



Considering how much stuff will get changed in WARS, how much work and know-how do you think it'll end up requiring to patch it for popular weapon mods such as the DKS-501 Sniper Rifle?


It'll probably be a whole lot of little things that are relatively easy on their own, just... there's a whole lot of them. Intermediate level maybe? As vague as that is to say. In any case I'm still planning to write a tutorial on how to do that. Should be easy enough to follow unless you've never touched the CK and FO4Edit before.

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Heh, yeah I was referring to the grip-pod of the SA80 family of rifles, but thought it'd be funny to mount it on the M203 in that picture lol


The gunner sight would be appropriate if it weren't so shoddy. It throws off my aim more than sightless minigun, probably because of the support wires holding up the inner circle being tilted at angles. The funny thing is that it needs glass even though you can't actually see any lenses on it.


There are mods out there that stick the vanilla gunner sight onto the vertibird door gun but since they just use the vanilla gunner sight in the same position as the one you can stick on the portable version, it's makeshift and it also seems to throw off my aim more than the sightless minigun. Would be great if it got a proper anti air spider sight or something similar for it though. The one from that pic of the M134 seems like a great replacement for the vanilla gunner sight, and the simple AA sight commonly seen in pictures of shipboard M2 Brownings also seems pretty cool to use for the vertibird mounted guns.


Yeah, the Gunner Sight requiring glass to make was a pretty weird one - but then there's a whole lot of weird component choices in the vanilla weapon mod recipes. I'm changing things like that when I see them, but I'm not going over all the recipes with a fine tooth comb or anything; it would take far too long.


Anyway, this mod looks to add the Gunner Sight to the Vertibird Minigun in possibly the right place? Can't really test it right now to see how accurate its positioning is though, like I said.


There are mods out there that add the Gatling Laser's reflex sight as a sight option for the Minigun. Something like that would be best-case scenario for the Vertibird Gatling imho– the Brotherhood has the tech for it, after all.


Heck why not switch out the miniguns entirely and have them use the Brotherhood Aesthetic Gatling Lasers

Edited by Badgerpony
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You said you cannot test the Vertibird's door gun because you crashed the Prydwen,yes? You can purchase Vertibird Signal Flares from Sturges or Tinker Tom,depending on who you led to victory against them. I'm unsure if the Synth Quartermaster will sell them to you,though.

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Hey, antistar, do you have any plan for Broadsider ?

That was my favorite unique weapon in vanilla FO4, but I guess in real life it would be a joke compare with modern firearm

It's gonna be very heavy. Maybe 60 pounds? I read somewhere that cannons (or maybe it was swivel guns specifically?) are generally around fifty times the weight of the projectiles made for them, and the cannonball in FO4 weights 1 lb. Then there's the big metal frame carrying the gun, so 50 + 10 = 60, to just pick some numbers out of the air. I know basically nothing about cannons/swivel guns though, so if there are any experts out there... feel free to chime in with some info on the Broadsider.


I believe it's set to have several ammo variants in AmmoTweaks, though I can't remember exactly what those are. In my mind obvious variants would be explosive shot (as in vanilla), round shot (a solid cannonball for bowling over anything in your way) and grapeshot (super-mega shotgun).



There are mods out there that add the Gatling Laser's reflex sight as a sight option for the Minigun. Something like that would be best-case scenario for the Vertibird Gatling imho– the Brotherhood has the tech for it, after all.


Heck why not switch out the miniguns entirely and have them use the Brotherhood Aesthetic Gatling Lasers

Using the Gatling Laser Reflex Sight was my first thought for giving the Minigun better sights, but aesthetically it really clashes, and it's very awkwardly shaped for where it needs to go on the Minigun regardless - so I made the Precision Sights instead.


I'd really miss having a Minigun on the vertibirds, so I wouldn't want to switch it for a Gatling Laser.



You said you cannot test the Vertibird's door gun because you crashed the Prydwen,yes? You can purchase Vertibird Signal Flares from Sturges or Tinker Tom,depending on who you led to victory against them. I'm unsure if the Synth Quartermaster will sell them to you,though.

Seriously? You can call in vertibirds via the Minutemen or the Railroad? I can't help but wonder where they'd get a steady supply of vertibirds, pilots and fuel - not to mention the infrastructure to support them. I swear, this game sometimes; it's almost like they didn't care about it making any sense. ;)


But no, I sided with the Institute in my so far sole playthrough of the game. Just now I went to test out throwing down a vertibird signal flare anyway as my character still had some stashed away, but as you might expect, nothing happened.


Later I might go looking for a mod that will let me just hop right into a vertibird one way or another so that I can test this - or if someone knows one off the top of their head, let me know.

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