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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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For your testing leisure,I present to you Neutral Vertibirds. As my craptop cannot handle Fallout 4,I cannot confirm if the mod works as advertised,however,according to the description,you're able to build Vertibirds in the Workshop,and use them to travel,or for close air support,wit ha variety of upgrade options. Five minutes of searching; Plugging "Vertibird" into the Nexus search produces only three pages.


A question,relating to the minigun,though. In the vanilla game,it's sinfully inaccurate. However,in reality,thanks to those stupidly long barrels,it's stunningly accurate... Provided its mounted to something. How are you handling the weapon's accuracy in WARS? Also related,barrel overheating. In the vanilla game,you get maybe a single second of continuous fire before the barrels overheat,and the weapon's already awful accuracy flies out the window. I believe that is totally bogus. Is it possible for you to address that?

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Seriously? You can call in vertibirds via the Minutemen or the Railroad? I can't help but wonder where they'd get a steady supply of vertibirds, pilots and fuel - not to mention the infrastructure to support them. I swear, this game sometimes; it's almost like they didn't care about it making any sense.




Well, the Railroad stole a Vertibird and use it to get to the Brotherhood airship, that's a part of their main quest; as for Minutemen, they somehow captured one

Edited by SpartanF043
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Do you see this mod getting done in 6 months?

Well I'd hope so... but please see the FAQ in the second post.



For your testing leisure,I present to you Neutral Vertibirds. As my craptop cannot handle Fallout 4,I cannot confirm if the mod works as advertised,however,according to the description,you're able to build Vertibirds in the Workshop,and use them to travel,or for close air support,wit ha variety of upgrade options. Five minutes of searching; Plugging "Vertibird" into the Nexus search produces only three pages.


A question,relating to the minigun,though. In the vanilla game,it's sinfully inaccurate. However,in reality,thanks to those stupidly long barrels,it's stunningly accurate... Provided its mounted to something. How are you handling the weapon's accuracy in WARS? Also related,barrel overheating. In the vanilla game,you get maybe a single second of continuous fire before the barrels overheat,and the weapon's already awful accuracy flies out the window. I believe that is totally bogus. Is it possible for you to address that?

Thanks - I'll check it out when I get a moment. :)


The (hand-held) Minigun is almost certainly still going to be pretty inaccurate since it's not mounted on anything (and thanks to the heavy recoil). Plus, like I said earlier, I've got it doing over ten times the damage it does in vanilla, at least for now... and something's gotta give.


I don't know how easily I could control the visual effect of the barrels heating - haven't really looked at that - but Aim Model records in general have values to control how quickly the associated weapon/s lose accuracy when fired continuously. I have tightened it up a bit, but it may change after I get to do some more combat testing with it.



Well, the Railroad stole a Vertibird and use it to get to the Brotherhood airship, that's a part of their main quest; as for Minutemen, they somehow captured one

Admittedly I haven't played through those parts of the Minutemen/Railroad quest-lines, like I said, so it could be that they make an attempt to explain it. It still seems pretty far-fetched to me given the characterisation of those factions, though.

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Here's a question; can you aim down sights with the vertibird minigun? I tried out that Neutral Vertibirds mod and it doesn't seem like you can. I don't remember even trying on my first playthrough, and the thing is that I rebind most of my keys, but Bethsoft really messed up the key rebinding feature in FO4. A whole lot of functions simply don't work in anything other than standard running around mode if you've rebound them. Settlement building mode is the most obvious problem area, but for all I know it could be that you're supposed to be able to aim down sights with the vertibird minigun but I never realised it because the key binding for it is broken.


I'm asking because if you can't aim down sights with the vertibird minigun then there's no point in giving it sights; the position/angle of the weapon model changes as you look around, so they wouldn't line up in a useful way.


I don't know how it works exactly in the Vertibird Minigun mod I mentioned before that gives it the Gunner Sight. I tried it out, but at a glance it looks like it only affects the vanilla vertibirds, while Neutral Vertibirds adds a whole new vertibird, so I didn't see the effects of the former mod in-game.


If anyone happens to have a save handy in which they can hop on a vanilla vertibird and wants to try out that Vertibird Minigun mod to see how it behaves, that'd help me out. I'm afraid I don't have time right now to untangle the whole business with possible keybind issues, mod compatibility issues, etc - just for the sake of vertibird minigun sights. Too much other work to do.



In other, more positive Minigun news, I recently noticed that in my changes I'd managed to break the glowing barrels effect (in that it didn't happen anymore)... but was able to fix it. It broke because the vanilla Minigun doesn't have receiver omods and I needed to restructure the weapon a bit behind the scenes in order to give it some. So yes, now it has receiver omods and the glowing barrel effects still work.

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You can ADS with the door gun. Fat lot of good it does in the vanilla game,because there's no sights,and it's still impossibly inaccurate! And that's when it's mounted to something! Speaking of mounting; If you wanna get pedantic,Power Armour should be stable enough to be considered a mounted platform. In fact,lore backs this up,with miniguns being used either by Power Armoured troops (Great War Era) or impossibly strong Super Mutants (Post-War Era),outside of crazed lunatics.


That said,I doubt it'd be possible/reasonable to make weapons much more accurate in Power Armour by default. Concessions need to be made between the Dream and the Reality. Only when modders go hog wild does the game engine seem limited,eh?

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Urgh... sounds like it is a keybind issue on my end, then. Alright, thanks. Maybe I'll just have to go back to what I did during my first playthrough and use AutoHotkey to get the keybindings I want while the game is technically set to default keybinds - just so everything works. (Can't believe they never fixed that in a patch. It's one of the more significant technical issues the game had/has, in my opinion.)


At the moment I've got semi-fixed keybinds via F4SE and DEF_UI, I think it was. I don't know, I haven't looked at that in months - over a year, probably; it was ridiculously obtuse. I don't know if it's improved since then. In any case I'll probably return to the vertibird minigun later; I don't feel like messing with all that right now.



Anyway, this is another case of it being very unfortunate that you can't affect recoil via perks/enchantments/etc - anything but Aim Models and omods, basically. Otherwise I'd almost certainly give the Minigun for example less recoil when the wielder is in power armour or is just incredibly strong.

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Just so people know, I just updated the first and second posts of the thread in an attempt to make them easier to navigate but also contain more information. Notably I copy-pasted in the exhaustive feature list from the draft WARS readme, detailing what's been done so far. I'll try to remember to update that occasionally.

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In the Weapon Mechanics Changes section it says "Fictional weapons are given more explicit names from Fallout lore where possible. E.g. AER9 Laser Rifle."


There's a whole other section of the readme that I haven't copied into the second post yet (because I haven't written much of it yet) that covers the weapons in more detail. For replacer weapons it covers why they were replaced, and with what. (Probably a list of their weapon mods, too.) For any weapons that were changed or added to significantly, it also goes over those changes. This section on the weapons will mention changes to weapon names too, of course.

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