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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Further,the 2mm EC projectiles are functionally tracers; Ever notice that incandescent blue trail they leave? That's a PLASMA WAKE. They fly so fast through the air,they hyper-energize the air they rip though. Not fly through,rip through. The act of using a Gauss Gun (I refuse to call it a rifle; Look up rifling if you wanna know why) is an inherently violent one,compared to using a machine gun. That projectile has enough energy inside of it to rival most conventional explosives. In the vanilla game,quite true to real science,those tiny rounds explode on impact,thanks to how much kinetic energy they contain. Seriously,turn off AI,and test a shot against a tight group. Those shots have a damage radius. And this is actual,legitimate science. The round doesn't survive impact; Overpenetration is impossible. Hell,penetration,period,is impossible. The rounds simply impact with enough force to go off like an 84mm APDS round from a Carl G,striking whoever or whatever you just pointed that thing at like the fist from a furious god. Which makes the round not only shatter on impact,but explosively release its stored kinetic energy.


This is,I remind you,the real-world science of this fictional assault.


Picture a Super Mutant Behemoth swinging a mace with a two millimetre diameter head at your chest,with everything it's got. That's a tiny fraction of the energy involved.


That tiny little ball is flying at the very least Mach 5. The plasma wake and kinetic explosion argue even faster. A suppressor will never be able to hide the fact that you're shooting at someone downrange. All you can hope to do is silence the firing mechanism itself,and a suppressor can't do that to an open-air,non-explosive firing mechanism without moving parts. Like the one used by the Gauss Gun. Further,firing the Gauss Gun at a subsonic muzzle velocity would simply mean you just turned the single most powerful gun in the setting into a high-tech BB gun. It'd never be able to efficiently kill at such low velocities,because the tiny-ass round wouldn't have the needed mass and shape to get the energy it needs to penetrate and kill. It'd sting,and make for an excellent,if over-engineered,crowd suppression weapon,however.


For a magnetic weapon with small projectiles,speed is everything. Speed kills. Without speed,it's less than useless. Velocitas Eradico.


In essence,Firehawksh,with what we're presented with in the game,an impossible-to-silence gun is the only option for the Gauss,without taking a titanic leap from the realism that Antistar wants for WARS & PEACE. And it'd probably be the God Gun,in terms of pure,raw damage per shot.


Now,please tell me,Antistar,that you're divorcing the magazine upgrades from the damage upgrades. Because,in the vanilla game,better damage meant bigger magazine,for the Gauss Gun.


I actually love the science behind the gauss weapons, a projectile so powerful it rips the air and explodes on impact, you know most people presume that just beacuse it's flying fast it's going to penetrate, but no, actually once you reach a certain level of speed the projectile will explode. Hell comparing it to the other type of magnetic powered weapon, the rail gun, in the real tests conducted by the military the slug wasn't even able to survive the force applied to it, it was destroyed before it could even reach it's target, that is one of the reasons the project was kind of "shelved" for a while, because there is no tecnology available to turn it into a viable artillery for combat.


But putting reality to the side a little, i really love the concept behind magnetic weapons and i really wish bethesda would have putted a little more love on the concept art for this gun, i mean i know it's suppose to be a type of "prototype", but seriously the gun doesn't convince as an actual military weapon, it kind of looks like an academic project to be honest. I would love if someone would make a mod to replace the gauss "rifle" from the vanilla game with something better, perhaps even the M72 gauss rifle, that was cool right? I mean if the US military already had a better and more stable gauss weapon available why use this semi-prototype gun in the first place? I know from the CC content that the gauss rifle from fallout 3/new vegas was supposed to be a prototype FROM the chinese, which kind of makes sense, but i don't know things get a little fuzzy regarding weapons lore once we reach "bethesda territory" if you know what i mean... Actually is it too much to ask for quality weapons with good lore? Take for example the assault rifle from Fallout 4, where does it come from? Why people would use it considering there are more viable,compact,modular and powerful rifles available? Why does it looks like a machine gun, hell why does it looks like it's made of pvc pipes?


You see this is the kind of thing that makes me feel sad about the weapons in fallout 4, i loved the new crafting system and i really liked the new combat mechanics, but seriously the weapon selection is just horrible, the combat rifle is basically the combat shotgun with some MINOR alterations, there are only ONE type of smg and there is NONE pump action shotguns, this one really pissed me off. Didn't beth learn anything from obsidian AT ALL? I mean at f***ing all?


That's why i'm super excited for WARS, seriously Antistar you're a hero man, i read all about your project and i love everything abou it, specially regarding the switching ammo mechanics you're going to bring back, that's amazing man.Accompanying the development process is great!Actually it's one of the things i most like about mods in general, specially the BIG ones, most people keep pressuring the mod author for releases when they should be enjoying the process itself, you can't help with technical stuff? Fine but how about you give the author the space and time he needs to make the mod and provide useful feedback and ideas?

Edited by nexusguy
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Hey, this looks really cool. I'm on xbox and there is very few gun replacer mods that I have seen. Thanks for looking into making a compatible version of this mod on xbox. Sorry if have been asked this already, but is there any chance of lever action rifles going to be in this mod? I hate the one that's in far harbor.
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Take for example the assault rifle from Fallout 4, where does it come from? Why people would use it considering there are more viable,compact,modular and powerful rifles available? Why does it looks like a machine gun, hell why does it looks like it's made of pvc pipes?


You see this is the kind of thing that makes me feel sad about the weapons in fallout 4, i loved the new crafting system and i really liked the new combat mechanics, but seriously the weapon selection is just horrible, the combat rifle is basically the combat shotgun with some MINOR alterations, there are only ONE type of smg and there is NONE pump action shotguns, this one really pissed me off. Didn't beth learn anything from obsidian AT ALL? I mean at f***ing all?

Sentiments like these are why I'm making WARS. :)


I like the weapon modification system in FO4. I like it a lot, actually; it's better than I expected prior to the game's release. I just wish I could say the same about the weapons themselves. I found the weapons in vanilla FO4 to be very disappointing.



Hey, this looks really cool. I'm on xbox and there is very few gun replacer mods that I have seen. Thanks for looking into making a compatible version of this mod on xbox. Sorry if have been asked this already, but is there any chance of lever action rifles going to be in this mod? I hate the one that's in far harbor.

The vanilla Lever Rifle (Marlin 1895G) is altered in WARS (notably flipped horizontally and given right-hand animations), but I'm not planning to add any new lever rifles, sorry.

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I'm still working out the details on weapon distribution, but that's pretty much it, yes. Gunners have better weapons (e.g. Glocks, Mini-14s, AR-15s, etc) and raiders have makeshift or low-quality weapons (e.g. Pipe Guns, Volkssturmgewehrs, Handmade AKMs, etc). The new weapons in WARS plus moving weapons from the DLC areas into the Commonwealth proper means there's greater scope for differentiating weapon selection across factions like this, which is good.

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So that discussion about the gauss gun before, are you planning on remaking the gauss rifle or perhaps replace it with a new model?I ask it because i've been thinking about making a gauss gun mod, it would probably be entitled "The Gauss Overhaul" or "The Gauss Experience", I've had this idea after i saw the reamking of the weapons of STALKER Call of Pripyat, The Gunslinger mod they call it, seriously just take a look at this beauty



Now THATS a Gauss Rfile


I was thinking about adding the same computer display, however i would need to study the script mechanics behind functional displays, i know MrRadioactv made a framework for Fallout New Vegas called AMCDF, in which he made possible to add this type of modification to custom weapons, it even had a color switch option, i should probably talk to him about that once everything is settled


I would really like to include the XS1 scope as an endgame modification, now that it's possible to add custom reticles to scopes it would be really cool, although i don't think i could add any other functionality to it other than recon. But it would deviate from the standard( and ugly) recon scope, so that's enough for me, this is the tech i'm talking about








However i would need to draw some concepts before i can start doing anything technical related. Perhaps i should open a new thread for it , i mean once i have some solid ideas

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Damn STRIFER is a good animator. I wonder if the Gunslinger mod is every going to see the light of day; feels like it's been in the works for ages. (Why does that sound familiar? ;))


Anyway, no; I'm not planning to replace or remake the FO4 Gauss Rifle; WARS is more focussed on (small arms) conventional weapons.



In general news: Today I finished doing the stats for the last of the ranged weapons, which is a decent milestone I think. Next up are the stats for the melee weapons and explosives (though I may wait until the AmmoTweaks update is out for the latter). Hopefully they should be a lot less work than the ranged weapon stats.

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Okay, no problem, i guess i will start studying the concepts them, who knows maybe everything will work. Anyway you know strifer? I've been accompanying the mod for some time now, they moved their updates to vk




I really liked the design for the gauss rifle on the Gunslinger mod, i think i may use it as the "base" inspiration for my concepts, however i expect to add more modifications do the gauss gun so it may suit many different playstyles in opposition to the vanilla gauss which is powerful but mostly unusable because of ammo rarity, i plan to change that by adding the capacity to make "homemade" ammunition, which would be easier to make, but would do less damage and make the weapon "degrade", i do plan to make it WARS compatible IF not dependant, well let's just see how things work out. I sure i hope i can manage to do this, i already have another BIG project on the hold, but this one seems to be a better start for me, mainly because most of the technical stuff is programming and i'm a good programmer, i would still need an animator and a 3D modeler however, you wouldn't happen to know someone that might be interested in this kind of project do you?

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