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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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It would make sense to at least give the named and boss npc's you're supposed to fight the manual treatment or a default unlimited companion style gun so they don't anti climatically run out (railroad/brotherhood leadership, raider bosses, Kellogg, that plot courser, etc) Edited by passinglurker
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It would make sense to at least give the named and boss npc's you're supposed to fight the manual treatment or a default unlimited companion style gun so they don't anti climatically run out (railroad/brotherhood leadership, raider bosses, Kellogg, that plot courser, etc)


It wouldn't be a non-playable companion style weapon since you can't loot those - and the whole idea here is to get away from infinite ammo where possible - but yeah, I'll likely do something with important NPCs if necessary. It's more the "random shop-keepers in Diamond City that were just given a 10mm Pistol" kind of NPC that I probably don't need to bother fiddling with.



Nice work guys! I would love to see something like Escape from takov game feature, where you have to actually check your magazine to know how much ammo do you have left?


I would too! Really there's a lot in Escape from Tarkov that I'd like to see in other games. Notably in single-player immersive-sim type games.

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It would make sense to at least give the named and boss npc's you're supposed to fight the manual treatment or a default unlimited companion style gun so they don't anti climatically run out (railroad/brotherhood leadership, raider bosses, Kellogg, that plot courser, etc)


It wouldn't be a non-playable companion style weapon since you can't loot those - and the whole idea here is to get away from infinite ammo where possible - but yeah, I'll likely do something with important NPCs if necessary. It's more the "random shop-keepers in Diamond City that were just given a 10mm Pistol" kind of NPC that I probably don't need to bother fiddling with.



Nice work guys! I would love to see something like Escape from takov game feature, where you have to actually check your magazine to know how much ammo do you have left?


I would too! Really there's a lot in Escape from Tarkov that I'd like to see in other games. Notably in single-player immersive-sim type games.


I think they will release a single mode in EFT, PVE (something is something)

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There's currently an offline mode for EFT with only AI enemies but the devs said it's purely for testing purposes and won't be in the final game. It also doesn't save progress anyway.


The mag checking thing is actually really hard to do in real life unless you have like less than 10 rounds left, you'd have to base it on the weight of the magazine.

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The mag checking thing is actually really hard to do in real life unless you have like less than 10 rounds left, you'd have to base it on the weight of the magazine.

Unless it was a magazine with witness holes, I suppose.


In any case this kind of reminds me of the old Jurassic Park: Trespasser game. (For anyone who's never heard of it, don't worry; I'm like one of five people in the world who liked it.) There was no HUD, so the player's character would call out the number of rounds left in a gun; just by weight in the case of automatic weapons. "Feels full" or "Feels about half", etc.



Back on WARS: I've been working on a solution for some NPCs spawning with little or no ammo thanks to how their inventories were set up in the base game. Weapon records have an "NPC Add Ammo List" drop-down where you can select a levelled list; the contents of which will spawn on an NPC along with the weapon. Usually this is just the small handful of ammo you'll find when looting an NPC, but I tried swapping it out for one of my tier-based lists so that higher level NPCs will have more ammo.


Then I spent like three hours yesterday trying to work out why this was making my test NPCs spawn with double the amount of ammo they were supposed to. I'm still not sure what's going on there. There's probably more tests I can do to try to work that out, but I've come up with another method now, and this one seems to work properly, from what I've seen so far.


When I mentioned that some NPCs just have one specific weapon in their inventory (rather than a list of possibilities), usually it's in the form of a levelled list with just that weapon in it - or maybe several variants (e.g. semi, auto) - rather than a straight-up weapon record. So now I'm adding my tier-based ammo list to those lists, and setting "NPC Add Ammo List" to None on the weapon records themselves. (To simplify.)


Some NPCs do have just a weapon (not a weapon inside a levelled list) in their inventory, so I'll need to edit them to have some ammo. Should be far less NPCs to edit doing it this way, though.

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When working on Damn Apocalypse, I found that a gun spawned from a leveled list somehow always has some ammo to go with it, even if that ammo is not mentioned anywhere, neither in the LL nor in the weapon record.


Don't know if that helps, but at least you're not the only one having that problem. ;-)

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When working on Damn Apocalypse, I found that a gun spawned from a leveled list somehow always has some ammo to go with it, even if that ammo is not mentioned anywhere, neither in the LL nor in the weapon record.


Don't know if that helps, but at least you're not the only one having that problem. ;-)

does that have to do with how when a weapon is picked up off the ground (be it player or npc) it gives a full mag worth of ammo?

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When working on Damn Apocalypse, I found that a gun spawned from a leveled list somehow always has some ammo to go with it, even if that ammo is not mentioned anywhere, neither in the LL nor in the weapon record.


Don't know if that helps, but at least you're not the only one having that problem. ;-)

That's probably a good thing, if it means that any NPCs with just a weapon that I somehow miss - or from other mods or whatever - have at least some ammo. I guess I'll see if I learn anything through testing all my levelled list changes.



Here are some miscellaneous screenshots:


- SA80 11

- M7 Bayonet 01

- L3A1 Bayonet 01

- Nydar Gun Sight 01


The biggest new thing here is that Hitman just came through with some 3rd-person animations for the SA80; check them out in his video here. He also recently put up an extended video showing off a bunch of the modification options for the SA80.


I'm going to be in the CK trenches for a while working on levelled lists; there's a lot to do there.

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