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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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The Thompson stick mag reload animation is nearly finished. It's nothing amazing, but I think it should work alright.


Trying to match War Daddy's timing makes it feel a little cramped to me, but I don't want the stick mag reloads to be longer than the drum reloads. Turns out it's difficult to make it both smooth and fast.

  On 10/22/2018 at 2:54 PM, Oynlen said:

Its amazing that you have been working on this for two years now. I hope you release it soon.

Oof, tell me about it. One day... one day I'll get to have my second playthrough of FO4. ;)

  On 10/22/2018 at 5:02 PM, neinkatz said:

Speaking of the double barrel, have you seen deadpool's caravan shotgun from the F4NV mod? Looks like it might be a nice addition.

Also great work on this, having enjoyed WMX back in NV, i cant wait for this to be ready.

Thanks - and yeah, the Caravan Shotgun is some beautiful work from DeadPool2099. I still have vague plans to do an add-on patch for WARS that adds support for a bunch of different FO4 weapon mods, and that one is definitely a candidate to be included.

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I'm highly interested in this idea. I especially want to see someone tackle the Thompson SMG and finally put it with a working M1928 vertical grip and extended barrel option in the game. I also very much want to see more variation in the BAR and it's many unique configurations, such as the Colt Monitor and whatever this thing is.




Would also like to see the PKM LMG in some shape or form. I'm sorry, I don't know if this is open to suggestion. I'm just rather excited by the idea.

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Well the Thompson with the option for a vertical foregrip (with appropriate animations) is definitely in. I wasn't really planning on giving it an extended barrel option, though I suppose it wouldn't be too hard. (At the moment it has standard and finned options.) I seem to recall seeing somewhere that there are modern reproductions of the Thompson that are semi-auto and have a long barrel - in order to comply with gun laws in certain areas. I've already given the Thompson in WARS semi-auto and select-fire options, and I guess I'll think about the long barrel.


A BAR would be cool and it is in the wish-list. In that picture that looks kind of like the foregrip from the Colt Monitor/R75, but I don't know about the rest of it.


Probably not on the PKM, though.

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It needs to be said, you never cease to amaze Antistar and you've definitely outdone yourself with this one, what drew me to your WARS project was I was searching for a submachine gun mod that featured the classic vertical foregrip and finned barrel, seeing them in game along with your work on the animations was definitely a treat, and I loved how the video cut out to the part in First Contact when Picard used the holographic Thompson SMG to take out the Borg in the holodeck, really good and accurate comparison.


Just a thought I had in regards to you mentioning the stick magazines reloading animations feeling a little cramped, is it possible to slow down the drum magazines reloading animations a little to give more timing for the stick mags? Or is that a little more of a complicated process? My knowledge on animations is zilch so.

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Thanks - and yeah, I couldn't resist using the "Picard with a Tommy Gun" clip. ;)


There are a couple of ways to slow down a reload animation. One of them I'm already using: reload speed can be modified by perks and object mods and whatnot. It's just a multiplier; increasing or decreasing the speed of the whole animation. I've used this to slow down the reload speed of the drum mags a bit; it's one of the trade-offs for the larger mags, listed in the omod descriptions. You can only go so far with this before it starts to look like the character is moving underwater, though.


The other way is more difficult and time-consuming; editing the animation to take longer in a more natural way. That could be all sorts of things, but I guess it would normally be something like lengthening the pause between the mag-out and the mag-in.


It's only a minor thing here; I don't think it would be worth my time lengthening the drum mag animations when I've got other animation sets that need doing. I was just noting that I'd have done the stick mag reload a little differently if I hadn't been matching War Daddy's timing. :)

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I can totally relate to not being able to resist using that clip too, too good an opportunity to pass up ð, it always baffled me how a technologically advanced being like the Borg could adapt to phasers, photon torpedoes and plasma but not bullets, solution to the war with the Borg, arm the Federation with primitive ballistic weaponry ð.


On the topic of your stick mags reload animations I think you did fantastically ð, also capturing the reality of reloading your weapons in a firefight which is hectic and every second counts right, besides how long would it really take to swap out stick magazines. And what's wrong with looking like your moving underwater lol ð, sounds like a hilarious idea to me ð.

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  On 10/28/2018 at 9:33 PM, ShanaMetalGoddess1991 said:

On the topic of your stick mags reload animations I think you did fantastically ð, also capturing the reality of reloading your weapons in a firefight which is hectic and every second counts right, besides how long would it really take to swap out stick magazines.

Thanks. :)


Something I've thought for a while (like, even before FO4 was announced) is that it would be cool to have reload animations change as the character's skill in the related weapon type increases. Perhaps three or four different reloads that are progressively faster as the character starts out fumbling with the weapon (especially in a stressful, hectic fire-fight, as you say), becomes more practised and reloads with less fumbling, and then finally uses some kind of high-speed low-drag tacticlol operator reload.


I'm sure there's technically some way to pull that off in FO4 (e.g. a script to attach an invisible omod based on the character's weapon skill perks), but it would almost certainly be a prohibitive amount of work to do that for every weapon in the game/mods.

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I must say that the work on the Thompson is looking excellent. Very nice model there. I do hope you'll consider that extended barrel as well. And yes, the BAR's "Monitor" relative would also be an interesting option to include, though personally I like the idea of the attachments featured in the previous BAR pic I shared, but with the addition of a Thompson style vertical grip. I know, sounds crazy, but it's apparently been done before.

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