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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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That would be an epic idea Antistar, it would definitely force you to choose your battles very wisely in game too, no going up against the Gunners if you're a fumbling reloader, or super muties for that matter.


It would likely take a group effort for such a project with a handful of animators in it too I think, or a lot of animation resources. Given 3 or 4 different reloading animations per firearm, that's at least 200 different animations plus a lot more if certain weapon modifications changes those animations, my math is likely over exaggerated but the jist is the same.


On a side note with 4 animations you could make it so Nate uses #2, 3 and 4 to show his military experience since he's a military vet and has that training, while Nora would have to start from scratch at #1 for no military combat experience (unless Nate taught her a couple things).

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If it is up to me back then I'd do something similar, so perks like gunslinger, rifleman,commando affect other things as well but don't affect weapon damage. For example without gunslinger you will reload a revolver by fumbling a bit while removing the cases, with one point of the perk you remove the cases faster and reload the rounds at once, at 3 points you gain a speedloader and so on. Same goes with rifles, without a perk you have a little trouble reaching for a magazine in your pack and maybe at times problem with working the bolt, a couple of points will make it normal reloading while at 5 points you get a fancy quick reloading animation.

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Yeah, there's a lot that could be done there - I imagine that fumbling with getting the mag into the magwell properly would feature heavily too. It's a shame it would take way too much work to be likely to happen.



The Skorpion equip animation is done, and the reload (which uses part of the equip since they both have the bolt being pulled) is getting fairly close to being finished too. This is the first full, from-scratch reload animation I've done in fifteen years or so. (The last third/half of the Thompson stick mag reload is from War Daddy's drum mag anims.) I've been basing it somewhat on how Gun Jesus Ian handles the Skorpion in this Forgotten Weapons video - only right-handed, of course.


After the reload I'll need to do the drum mag versions of all the animations (since it requires a different grip, like I said earlier), which will be a little tedious but not nearly as much work as doing the regular versions of the animations in the first place, fortunately. Lots of copy-pasting and tweaking.


After that I'll show it off in a video.

Edited by antistar
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This is exactly the kind of overhaul i've been looking for for the weapons. If this would get the "Visible Weapons" treatment aswell, it'd be the ultimate weapon mod for Fallout 4.

I can't wait to see how this will turn out. Thank you for all your hard work, antistar.

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Weapons being invisible when "holstered" in FO4 is pretty unfortunate. Being able to see that someone is carrying a Fat Man before they whip it out is kind of important!


So I'd like to see Visible Weapons support for WARS too, but it might be the kind of thing that comes later on sometime; it seems like a lot of work to implement.



More generally: thanks to some technical advice from Hitman and War Daddy, I've been able to work out third-person animations for the Thompson and the Skorpion. I haven't done stick-mag-specific third-person reloads for the Thompson - and the Skorpion third-person reload is a pretty quick and dirty conversion of the first-person reload - but the weapons are gripped properly now, which I consider to be (a little) more important.


I'm getting stuck into the drum mag versions of the Skorpion animations now.

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