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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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P.S. is it possible to get something like the holographic throwing arc effect on a primary weapon?

I have no idea, actually. It seems like the sort of thing that would probably be hard-coded to throwing grenades, though. Kind of a shame, because beyond the grenade launchers in WARS, I can see it being very useful for something like the Fat Man. You really want a good idea of where that mini-nuke is going before you fire it.


Along those lines, I actually suggested including "training rounds" as ammo subtypes for 40mm grenades and mini-nukes in AmmoTweaks a little while ago. (Rounds that would produce a puff of coloured smoke but not do any real damage, so that you can work out your trajectory before firing something more serious.) Isathar liked the idea at the time, but I'm not sure if that's made it in at this stage or not.

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I was discussing this mod with my old man,who plays Fallout 4. He's a retired soldier,and when he saw that the M79,the M203,and China Lake were all in the game,he asked, "Why?" As far as he's concerned,the M203 obviates the need for a dedicated grenade launcher,since it allows you to deploy a 40mm grenade without needing to carry an entirely new weapon.


I should point out,he's an ex-infantryman,sniper,and helicopter tech,from the Canadian Armed Forces. I can guarantee you his soldiering career colours his opinions.


While,from a realistic standpoint,I see exactly where he's coming from,as the adoption of the M203 is actually what killed the China Lake,but from a gameplay standpoint,I see why you included them; So a player who wishes to use explosives as their primary weapon will have a weapon available to them; By cutting out the M79 and China Lake,an explosives character will either have to drag around a Fat Man or Missile Launcher,or grumble and gripe about having to drag around an AR-15 just so they can launch grenades.


That about the size of it?


Ask him if he's had to take on mutated chameleons the size of cars with claws that make katanas look like toys, or big green men with torsos the size of tree trunks and enough muscle on each arm to slap heads right off necks hehe, alternatively one can suggest he visit Quarry Junction or swim across to the east bank of the Colorado, I think given the choice between an M203 or a China Lake, he'd take the China Lake :D


Also as others have said in post nuclear apocalyptica you're gonna want every working gun you can find...especially if it's as cool as a pump action grenade launcher.

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First of all, many thanks for those who working hard for this mods, you guys rock. When this mod finally release, Bethesda will thank you when they see a tremendous increasing peak on chart. Second, what is the percentage upon the completion of this mod?


The second post on the first page has an FAQ in it. That'll answer your question as to when it'll be done.

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Antistar, actually what I said before still implies usefulness and validity of the China Lake too, might come across that before either the M79 or Ar15 with an M203 attachment, so it's actually not a little harder for you to make a case for the China Lake still being useful :smile:

Yeah I agree with you there - I was more pondering how useful the China Lake would be if you have already found an M203.



First of all, many thanks for those who working hard for this mods, you guys rock. When this mod finally release, Bethesda will thank you when they see a tremendous increasing peak on chart. Second, what is the percentage upon the completion of this mod?

Thanks. :)


Any percentage value I could give you would be a completely made-up number and about as useful. ;) In terms of the main things left to do before release, though:


- Barrett M107 animations. (A certain someone is helping me out with those and they're coming along really nicely.)

- SA80 under-barrel grenade launcher animations (plus finalised models/textures). Not sure yet if this is the next thing I work on or if it comes later. It depends on:

- AmmoTweaks integration. This is the big one; need to wait for the pending update to release, though.

- Testing.

- Documentation.

- Closed beta.

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Antistar, I knew you were doing the AR15 but I didn't know you were doing the M203 grenade launcher attachment for it until Moldys comment about it, so I went through your images until I found it with the M203 attachment and saw there was a video for it, I watched the video and got even more excited for WARS, so I have a few questions.


My first question would be is was your concept for the AR15 inspired by Modern Firearms? I know that one featured an AR15 with a functioning M203 in it (albeit without proper animations).


Secondly was I'm curious to ask if your work with the meshes, textures and animations are finished? By the looks of the video I watched it seems like they are, if so outdone yourself yet again, if not well you've still outdone yourself lol.


And lastly is it going to be in the initial release of W.A.R.S? Here's hoping so :)


And to answer your last response for the China Lake, ...personal choice :/ ?

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No, I haven't used Modern Firearms or even had a very close look at it, actually. I talk about it a bit more in the "Commentary" part of the second post, but WARS started out in my head as kind of a spiritual successor to the Modern Weapons add-on for WMX. The AR-15 was just the most obvious choice for a replacement for the vanilla Assault Rifle. I can't remember what started me thinking about trying to implement the M203 in FO4. (Because it certainly didn't come naturally; it was quite difficult to work out how to do it.) Maybe it was seeing it included in Tigg's AR-15 resource.


There's been some tweaks and minor additions to the AR-15 assets since I recorded that video. E.g. I tweaked its materials at some point. But yeah, most of its assets have been done for a long time now; the AR-15 was the second weapon I implemented in WARS, after the Glock.


Thanks. :) Just to clarify though - because I don't want to take credit for others' work - the AR-15 animations are by Hitman, and the core meshes/textures are by Tigg. Some of the attachments are by other authors, and some are by me - and just about all the assets were touched up by me at least a little too.


And oh yes, definitely; there's no way the AR-15 wouldn't be in the initial release of WARS. It's kind of the flagship weapon in the mod (though the SA80 isn't too far off - especially if I give it its grenade launcher), and like I said, the AR-15 assets have been done for a while now.

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