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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Awesome! Its very nice to hear about your plans for the future, anyway, theres something i would like to share with you, its a document for an early project i made, it contains my ideas to completely overhaul the way power armor works in the game, perhaps it will be better in your hands, i've sent you a PM with the google drive link, hope it helps :wink:

Well thanks. :) There are other things I want to change/add when it comes to power armour, but at a glance your ideas look to be beyond the scope of my plans there. I'll give it more of a look over when I get a moment, though.



And suddenly,I want to have a military ruck,with an aluminium frame,for maximum loot hoarding...

Same. We'll see what I get time for, though. A lot of the backpacks will likely be from existing resources, like Backpacks of the Commonwealth.

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Hey Antistar, I am so excited for this mod! What are you planning to do with reload animations for weapons like the China Lake or the Mossberg 590? The current engine limitation that prevents you from loading rounds individually is very off-putting. Would you consider making them utilize speedloaders? It would make the gunplay feel a lot smoother I assume.

Edited by leiner
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Thanks everyone. :smile:

To give an update; I'm currently working on the UVs for the SA80 L123A2 UGL. The low and high-poly models are done. The textures will be split across two 2K maps, since the L123A2 is relatively intricate, with a lot of surface area. Outside and inside the heat shield, the barrel, gas piston, front sight mount, launcher tube, frame holding the tube, little pistol grip for the launcher, etc. Lots to cover. That intricacy is making it take a while. I should be onto baking and then texturing before too long, though.

Hey Antistar, I am so excited for this mod! What are you planning to do with reload animations for weapons like the China Lake or the Mossberg 590? The current engine limitation that prevents you from loading rounds individually is very off-putting. Would you consider making them utilize speedloaders? It would make the gunplay feel a lot smoother I assume.

Oh yeah, shotgun speed-loaders; so we can (pretend to) reload like Jerry Miculek. :wink:

It would make for a very useful reload-speed-increasing weapon mod. It would also require new assets and a new reload animation - and there might be some technical obstacles to pulling off that animation - so it's a low-ish priority. It is something I think about sometimes though.

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Thanks everyone. :smile:


To give an update; I'm currently working on the UVs for the SA80 L123A2 UGL. The low and high-poly models are done. The textures will be split across two 2K maps, since the L123A2 is relatively intricate, with a lot of surface area. Outside and inside the heat shield, the barrel, gas piston, front sight mount, launcher tube, frame holding the tube, little pistol grip for the launcher, etc. Lots to cover. That intricacy is making it take a while. I should be onto baking and then texturing before too long, though.



Hey Antistar, I am so excited for this mod! What are you planning to do with reload animations for weapons like the China Lake or the Mossberg 590? The current engine limitation that prevents you from loading rounds individually is very off-putting. Would you consider making them utilize speedloaders? It would make the gunplay feel a lot smoother I assume.

Oh yeah, shotgun speed-loaders; so we can (pretend to) reload like Jerry Miculek. :wink:


It would make for a very useful reload-speed-increasing weapon mod. It would also require new assets and a new reload animation - and there might be some technical obstacles to pulling off that animation - so it's a low-ish priority. It is something I think about sometimes though.


Damn, what would those technical obstacles be exactly? I guess weapons are going to have long reload times? Or do you have something special planned for them?

I was thinking maybe you could utilize the fast mag technique for the pump shotgun in black ops 4 for the animations for the pump shotgun, lever action, etc.: https://youtu.be/Rh6XALtj0xc?t=302

Having multiple shells/bullets lined up in your hand and inserting them into the receiver in quick succession.

Edited by leiner
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So excited for this mod. I haven't been up to date with it and I would like to know how many guns are finished (basically finished)

The second post contains a list of new weapons (plus info on their background and weapon mods). Out of those - and in terms of art assets - they're all finished except for the Barrett M107 and SA80. The M107 only needs a few more animations (notably the power armour anims), and it will be all done.


For the SA80 there's just the L123A2 UGL, and I just gave an update on its status yesterday, obviously.


There's still plugin work to do after that; mainly the AmmoTweaks integration.



Damn, what would those technical obstacles be exactly? I guess weapons are going to have long reload times? Or do you have something special planned for them?

I was thinking maybe you could utilize the fast mag technique for the pump shotgun in black ops 4 for the animations for the pump shotgun, lever action, etc.: https://youtu.be/Rh6XALtj0xc?t=302

Having multiple shells/bullets lined up in your hand and inserting them into the receiver in quick succession.

If I was to go to the trouble of making a new reload animation for the Mossberg, I'd want it to be noticeably different to the existing animations. One with the character holding more than one shell in-hand is too similar to be worthwhile, in my opinion.


The main potential technical obstacle to doing a speed-loader is the need for the speed-loader to be separate to the weapon and only visible during the reload animation. Animation events can be used to cull/un-cull weapon parts on a per-bone basis (this is how the projectile part of the 40mm grenade is hidden during the "mag out" part of the M79 reload animation), but I'm not sure how to have something be culled by default. Would I have to edit all the other animations to cull the speed-loader at the start of the anim? That'd be a tremendous pain, and I'm not sure it would work reliably given the various animations we're unable to edit. (This isn't something I've tried to do.)


I could possibly do some kind of dirty hack where the speed-loader is positioned way below the weapon by default (so it would hopefully be underground or sufficiently far enough away in third-person that you wouldn't notice it), and then zip it into place at the start of the reload animation. Possibly.


I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud. I do think about this, like I said, but it's a low priority. ;)

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Y'know,my favourite weapon from Fallout 3: Wanderer's Edition was the HK G11. What a great many people calls,including a current Fallout 4 Featured Mod,"Kraut Space Magic." I have a hunch that it won't exactly be hitting WARS for the following reasons,but I can always hope; It's a f*#@ing amazing gun.


-Unique animations are required,assuming you're not given permission to poach from the aforementioned mod.

-As a prototype weapon,the G11 isn't built with modularity or modification in mind,meaning you're largely forced to use the baseline model.

-Requires a wholly new,and wholly unique,ammunition type; HK 4.73*33mm Prototype Caseless. Literally no other gun in the game will use it,thus begging the question of why.

-Related to the above,ammunition will be ludicrously scarce and expensive,even if the player opts to craft it,if that is even possible. Not good traits to have on a largely automatic weapon.

-As yet another gun that has the general profile of an assault rifle,with even less modularity,you'd have a very difficult time of trying to justify its inclusion at all,as its role is already filled by other weapons. Even if you make it perform better than its competition,the lack of mods would likely still be a deal breaker.


From the perspective of your mod's objectives,the G11,while a lovely gun,probably just doesn't fit. We'd be more likely to see a P90. Which is something I'd also like to see,but,again; Proprietary cartridge and general lack of modularity.


Still,it was a nifty thought experiment.

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