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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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I heard from isathar recently and it sounds like it's coming along. (As usual it's not really my place to give more information than that.)


For my part, the new L123A2 UGL assets are in-game and working. I'm working on animations now. (Actually starting with speeding up the equip and reload anims for the Skorpion to get back in the swing of things.)


Things have been a bit busy lately (and stop me if you've heard this one before) due to various medical appointments, plus random other things like organising a new passport since my last one expired. Guess it wouldn't hurt to mention why, actually; I'm going on a holiday to New Zealand for three weeks in April. That will obviously delay work on the mod/s a bit. This is the first time I've been on holiday in like... sixteen years, though - so I hope everyone can be patient with me there. ;)

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Also,considering the glacial rate at which isathar's working on AmmoTweaks,I have a feeling the first release of WARS will have all of your "Maybe,we'll see" weapons included,as well.

Considering it will get released at all... AmmoTweaks, btw. Antistar is one hell of a nice modder.

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My operative system broke back in october last year so I've been computer-less for 3(ish) months, it has now finally been fixed.

And well, this is some great progress to see coming back here, really happy to see that the L123A2 is happening. :smile:

Edited by Tenurialrope3
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I'm not planning to add any more weapons before the initial release of WARS. The last thing to do asset-wise is the animation set for the SA80's L123A2 UGL. (Getting started on that now, after having sped up the Skorpion equip and reload anims a bit.)


If the AmmoTweaks update isn't out by the time I've finished up the L123A2 animations, I'll likely try to do some documentation stuff - e.g. the tutorial on adding WARS support to a weapon, along with the WARS readme of course. Doing some work on PEACE is also a possibility.

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i know you've mentioned you don't intend to add more weapons before the initial release.


Though what are your thoughts of Milsurp rifles in fallout 4; considering they're probably quite common among the civilian population. AsXas' WWII rifles and FX0x01's Mosin look like they fit in nicely with your mod. Perhaps a compatibility patch in the late future?


Also, don't mind me asking, whats the PEACE mod about?

Edited by neinkatz
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Weapons like those are prime candidates for being covered in a compatibility patch, yeah. My vague plans have been to make a kind of umbrella patch that requires a number of existing new-weapon mods, and configures them for use with WARS.


PEACE is WARS' sister mod. WARS covering weapons and combat, PEACE covering everything else (that I want to add/change - in an overhaul kind of way). If you search this thread - which should be the default option you see at the top-right of this page - for "PEACE", you should find a few posts with me talking about it.

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Hello there antistar. I see that there is more WIP of this WARS mod so far, and I'm very excited to try it out when it ready to release it. I haven't see Hitman ( the weapon animator for Fallout 4) since last year (if I recalled it). I hope that person is alright though. Anyway, I did ran into new weapon mod called Service Rifle Expansion Project by Nadie2283. This mod author is creating a expanding service rifle weapon mod that's based on Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle by Wasteland Melody.


Here's the information for these mod:


Service Rifle Expansion Project by Nadie2283:



Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle by Wasteland Melody:




As of now, mod author Nadie2283 is doing a updated of WIP of adding modification of M203 under-barrel grenade launcher,

although this doesn't have an animation yet. For now this is non function animation of M203 under-barrel grenade launcher.


Here is the current update of WIP by Nadie2283 for the Service Rifle Expansion Project:




I just wanted to let you know about this and if you are interested about this and if that mod author is also

interested for your wIP of animation of under-barrel grenade launcher.

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