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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Hello there antistar. I see that there is more WIP of this WARS mod so far, and I'm very excited to try it out when it ready to release it. I haven't see Hitman ( the weapon animator for Fallout 4) since last year (if I recalled it). I hope that person is alright though. Anyway, I did ran into new weapon mod called Service Rifle Expansion Project by Nadie2283. This mod author is creating a expanding service rifle weapon mod that's based on Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle by Wasteland Melody.


Here's the information for these mod:


Service Rifle Expansion Project by Nadie2283:



Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle by Wasteland Melody:




As of now, mod author Nadie2283 is doing a updated of WIP of adding modification of M203 under-barrel grenade launcher,

although this doesn't have an animation yet. For now this is non function animation of M203 under-barrel grenade launcher.


Here is the current update of WIP by Nadie2283 for the Service Rifle Expansion Project:




I just wanted to let you know about this and if you are interested about this and if that mod author is also

interested for your wIP of animation of under-barrel grenade launcher.

Yeah, I've been seeing it in FO4 Nexus image share, and I saw the mod pop up. It's cool seeing all the weird and wonderful AR-15 variants and developmental prototypes and whatnot in it.

Edited by antistar
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Been a fan of your work since Fo3, you should take a look at Horizon for FO4, it's the closest to a FWE for FO4 we'll even get, in fact its like ten times more complex than FWE was, but then the game itself is larger to warrant that. Makes me kinda sad infinitely the release of WARS will be delayed due to ammo tweaks, while Horizon has its own wonderful ammo system that functions flawlessly.

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Been a fan of your work since Fo3, you should take a look at Horizon for FO4, it's the closest to a FWE for FO4 we'll even get, in fact its like ten times more complex than FWE was, but then the game itself is larger to warrant that. Makes me kinda sad infinitely the release of WARS will be delayed due to ammo tweaks, while Horizon has its own wonderful ammo system that functions flawlessly.

Thanks. :)


Horizon has some very impressive scope, but in the past when I've read through the particulars of its features, quite a lot of it is stuff that I don't like, unfortunately. It's not a mod I'm planning to use myself.


From a quick look at Horizon's Nexus page, it sounds like its ammo-switching works via a "toolkit" item? AmmoTweaks, by contrast, works via hot-keys and has dynamic HUD elements - on top of various other features I'm keen to make use of.



Will it be possible to transfer this to the concole ?


Please see the FAQ in the second post.

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Hi, I just heard about this WIP mod today. It's really impressive what you got going on. It amazed me that you have still been working on this for 3 years. Out of curiosity, how much progress left until this mod can be released. As I read on the 1st post, it's still far away from complete.

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Hi, I just heard about this WIP mod today. It's really impressive what you got going on. It amazed me that you have still been working on this for 3 years. Out of curiosity, how much progress left until this mod can be released. As I read on the 1st post, it's still far away from complete.

The second post has an answer for your question.

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Hi, I just heard about this WIP mod today. It's really impressive what you got going on. It amazed me that you have still been working on this for 3 years. Out of curiosity, how much progress left until this mod can be released. As I read on the 1st post, it's still far away from complete.

The second post has an answer for your question.


Edited by y3u4nhl4m
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Hi, I just heard about this WIP mod today. It's really impressive what you got going on. It amazed me that you have still been working on this for 3 years. Out of curiosity, how much progress left until this mod can be released. As I read on the 1st post, it's still far away from complete.


Well it's more like two and a bit years so far, but yes; it's a lot of work.


Moldy was referring to the FAQ where I say that I can't provide an accurate estimate for when the mod will release, but in terms of what's left to do before release:


The main thing is AmmoTweaks integration, and I need to wait for its pending update before I can do that. Beyond that there's documentation to write (along with a tutorial on how third-party weapons can be set up to work with WARS), private testing and then closed beta testing (which I'll be asking for help with in the thread).


Right now I'm working on the last thing I'm planning to do asset-wise before the initial release; the SA80 L123A2 under-barrel grenade launcher animations. Most of those are done and I'm onto the reload now - which to be fair is where most of the work is in a typical weapon animation set for FO4.

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Have you put much thought into the damage resistance mechanics in Fallout 4? I'm curious if you're interested in fiddling with resistance mechanics because, as far as I'm concerned, they're probably the biggest factor in (lack of) game balance issues, it'd be pretty essential if you want to overhaul gunplay.


It's been catching on in the Fo76 subreddit recently with people complaining that you simply can't reconcile balancing weapons by dps (low base damage heavy weapons) with the damage resistance formula and it disproportionately affecting low base damage attacks. I've just been looking to tweak resistance mechanics myself and thought you might be interested.


The wiki page on damage resistance shows the damage reduction through resistance formula as:


Damage multiplier = ((Weapon damage/Damage resistance) * 0.15) ^ 0.365


The end result is that armor disproportionately affects low damage but high attack speed weapons.


The problem is enemies in fallout 4 all gain damage and energy resist with levelled variants. Higher level enemy variants have way higher resistances than lower level variants that may be visually identical, and these resistances go really high really fast. There's not really any logic behind it, and enemies quickly go into the hundreds in resistances. A shirtless super mutant warlord will take FAR less damage due to inherent resistance given as an actor value than a basic low level super mutant in full armor.


This is why the minigun in fallout 4 is obsolete by as early as level 20 - taking a ridiculous amount of ammo to kill even just small bugs due to them having even mediocore damage resistance but seemed really good when you get it on the roof of the Concord museum (killing enemies with no armor) and it has a high dps on paper.


As far as I'm concerned damage sponges are just as much caused by resistance inflation as they are by health inflation towards the late-game.


I'm convined the devs didn't balance weapons against resistances and that's what a lot of people have been complaining about on Fallout 76 forums recently. The LMG (MG42) in Fo76 has a low base damage but it shreds things in early zones but is useless in late-game just because of resistance inflation, not its overall dps.


If you were planning to overhaul all sorts of mechanics you may want to look into this one because it drives me and a lot of other people nuts, even if they haven't realised it yet.


There's also no way to affect enemy energy resistance through perks. The penetrating legendary weapon effect and weapon perks use the perk entry point function to mod enemy damage resistance - this doesn't work on energy damage which is considered a sub-type of spell damage.


Those damage multiplier mods that offer 'realism' by multiplying damage taken and dealt by 5 times or so just end up making a game where you insta-kill humans below level 25 by hitting them once in the leg with a pistol - but late-game enemies are still damage sponges because inflating damage resistance is making them take 10% damage from any weapon with an automatic receiver, and that's before considering their health.


If you go into the creation kit and click 'gameplay' on the toolbar then go into settings, you can access values that determine how resistance works.


Again the resistance formula is:


Damage multiplier = ((Weapon damage/Damage resistance) * X)^Y


Where X is fPhysicalDamageFactor and is 0.15 by default


Where Y is fPhysicalArmorDmgReductionExp and is 0.365 by default


If you search for 'damagefactor' and 'dmgreductionexp' you'll see these values as well as others for different damage types like energy. I'm currently playing with them both set to 0.2 and it feels more reasonable, only a player in power armor can really shrug off small bullets.


Also if you search for 'maxdamagereduction' you'll find the cap for damage reduction from resistances, by default it is 0.99 or 99% damage reduction. Skyrim was 0.8 and Fo3 was 0.85 max reduction from armor I believe.


I think the player also benefits from the hidden 'Playerperk' perk which multiplies enemy damage resistance by 0.85.


I'm currently fiddling with these values to make my own anti-sponge mod that doesn't result in one-shotting any early-game enemy. Please consider revisiting resistance mechanics or enemy resistance values or something because I think it suffocates gunplay. But if you're balancing gun damage according to caliber I guess it wouldn't be as much of an issue and could even start making sense...

Edited by jloz94
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Base weapon damage in WARS is largely as per calibre, yeah. (And likely as per ammo sub-type via AmmoTweaks, too.) I do need to have another look over DR/ER/etc values for levelled NPCs though. That may be a good thing to do once the SA80 L123A2 UGL animations are finished.


Thanks for the info on formulae and GMSTs; there's so many of those (and their names are often so cryptic) that it's good to have a quick reference.

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