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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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I can understand the frustrations that some people have with this mod having never even had a "WIP" release like other mods do because the unfortunate fact of the matter is that once this releases, every single weapon mod on the Nexus will need a compatibility patch to function properly and consistently with WARS. I don't know how many of their respective developers will bother to come back and make a compatibility patch so many players will see it as either WARS or every other weapon mod out there which is a considerable trade-off. Point being, the more this takes to release, the more weapon mods will have come out which will require a patch.


That being said, I have only recently discovered this mod and I'm sorry if this has been answered before but why exactly do you require to shift from Loads of Ammo to AmmoTweaks? And do we even have certainty that the mod's update will come this year or eventually at all?

I'm planning to make support patches (or maybe a single umbrella patch) for a number of third-party weapon mods that I personally want to have in my game. I'll also be writing a tutorial on how other people can set up a weapon to support WARS.


The time at which WARS releases won't impact the work required to establish that support; it's still extra work on top of however the weapon mod in question was set up originally. (Unless people were to start making weapon mods exclusively aimed at being used with WARS I suppose, but that's not something I'm expecting people to do.) What I do expect - or hope, I guess - is that people would make and release a WARS patch for an existing third-party weapon mod if they want to have that support - as you see happening with (say) Horizon support patches, or various item-sorting patches.


Anyway hey, it would be nice if WARS didn't require patches for third-party weapons to play nicely with it, but it's unavoidable due to just how much needed to be changed compared to the setup of weapons in vanilla FO4. (I'm trying to be diplomatic, but it should be fairly obvious that generally-speaking I strongly dislike the approach BGS took with weapons in FO4. It's requiring some significant changes.)


With Loads of Ammo vs AmmoTweaks; Loads of Ammo is great for a mod that came out early in FO4's lifetime, but it is relatively basic in comparison to AmmoTweaks. The framework in AmmoTweaks offers a whole bunch of things I'm keen to make use of in WARS (e.g. weapon durability, Strength requirements and hopefully the ability to affect recoil handling via weapon skill perks), on top of things like hot-keys and new HUD elements.


To be clear, I'm not criticising Loads of Ammo here; it just came out very early on, when we didn't have the tools, resources, knowledge, etc we have now.


As for certainty - well that's hard to come by in regards to multi-million dollar AAA games, let alone mods made for free in people's spare time. ;)




Also oof, I appreciate the kind words, but man, I sure hope WARS turns out alright in the end, because things like "piece of art" and "revolutionising Fallout 4 from the ground up" are kind of putting the pressure on. :wink:

If you're not being sarcastic then hey Weapon Mods Expanded turned out excellent for Fallout New Vegas, I know because...well I still use it lol, and from my understanding WMD for Fallout 3 turned out excellent too, so why would WARS be any different right, I'd say give yourself some credit but I have the inkling that you're being sarcastic LMAO.


Well I'm not about to say "Yes, totally. WARS is a piece of art - something that will revolutionise FO4 from the ground up." ;)


More seriously though; it's not sarcasm. WMX and WMK both turned out very well, but WARS is not quite the same sort of mod and is also much more complex. Not as complex as Clockwork - which I rate as by far the most difficult project I've ever worked on - but definitely the most complex mod of this type that I've made. I haven't made an overhaul before!


Also, crucially, it's not finished yet. I think the individual parts are coming along quite well, but it can be hard to predict how it will all come together in the end. Will it be greater or lesser than the sum of its parts? I was watching a great interview with Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain recently (two of the main guys behind the original Fallout games, for anyone who doesn't know), about The Outer Worlds. From memory they said something similar in it about working on full games; you do the best you can, but there are so many moving parts that it's hard to know how well it all comes together until you see the final product.



(Thanks though.)

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Speaking of weapon mod patches, I think the recently released HK416 rifle would complement this mod incredibly well, maybe even being integrated within it. It's by far the most insanely customizable and robust ballistic weapon I have personally seen released for Fallout 4, it pretty much has everything you'd want and then some including an underbarrel grenade launcher (non-functional) similar to the one in your own SA80 rifle so I assume the animations would fit well given some tweaking.
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Just a reminder that I'm off on a trip to New Zealand for three weeks starting next Wednesday, the 10th. I'll have my laptop along though so I should still be able to talk about whatever random stuff may come up re: WARS and PEACE... sometimes. I mean I will be on holidays, and while I'm sure many places I'm staying will have wi-fi, I'm also sure some of them won't. I'll be going to some fairly remote areas... hell, one place I'm staying doesn't even have electricity.

Anyway, like I said when I first mentioned this, this is the first time I've been on holiday in around sixteen years, so I appreciate people being patient with me on this. :wink:

I am impressed that the mod author has managed to keep going for three years on this mod, keep up the positive feedback,encouragement and show some patience.
(3 months of modding is hard going,3 years is amazing)

Thanks. :smile: I must be getting old, because it doesn't feel that long. (Maybe also because it technically hasn't been that long yet; only two and a half years. :wink:)

Speaking of weapon mod patches, I think the recently released HK416 rifle would complement this mod incredibly well, maybe even being integrated within it. It's by far the most insanely customizable and robust ballistic weapon I have personally seen released for Fallout 4, it pretty much has everything you'd want and then some including an underbarrel grenade launcher (non-functional) similar to the one in your own SA80 rifle so I assume the animations would fit well given some tweaking.

People have asked after an HK416 before, and I'm afraid my answer has always been that it's a very low priority compared to all the other weapons I'd like to include (or cover in a patch), since it's so similar to the AR-15 I've already got in the mod.

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Just a reminder that I'm off on a trip to New Zealand for three weeks starting next Wednesday, the 10th. I'll have my laptop along though so I should still be able to talk about whatever random stuff may come up re: WARS and PEACE... sometimes. I mean I will be on holidays, and while I'm sure many places I'm staying will have wi-fi, I'm also sure some of them won't. I'll be going to some fairly remote areas... hell, one place I'm staying doesn't even have electricity.


Anyway, like I said when I first mentioned this, this is the first time I've been on holiday in around sixteen years, so I appreciate people being patient with me on this.

Well you have a great vacation then Antistar (seriously after 16 years of not having one make it memorable) lol.


To what Wylight said about the HK416 reminds me that I should prepare myself to make a compatibility patch for that AA12 mod I got from Fallout-Fanclub.

Edited by ShanaMetalGoddess1991
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Thanks - and since I'm heading off tomorrow morning, here's one last quick preview of what I've been working on lately (for PEACE):


- Power Armour LBE 01

- Power Armour LBE 02



Some of this is a repeat of stuff I was saying recently in the thread, but I'll just copy-paste what I said on the Nexus image share pages:


PEACE includes an encumbrance overhaul. It aims to make both Strength and Load Bearing Equipment (LBE) important. I.e. with no backpack or pockets/pouches you're not going to be able to carry much of anything - and the higher your STR, the bigger the Carry Weight bonus you get from each piece of LBE.

This makes backpacks important (and I am adding backpacks in the mod), but a side-effect of how power armour works is that you lose bonuses from equipped apparel when you hop into a power armour suit. In other words, you can be decked out in amazing LBE but suddenly unable to carry anything upon getting into some power armour. (Which kind of makes sense if you think about it; how are you going to reach your regular pockets and pouches when encased in power armour?)

At first I was worried about how I'd handle losing the Carry Weight bonuses like that... but then it occurred to me that this could be a good thing; I could add a new line of power armour upgrades revolving around their own LBE.

So here's a preview of the new power armour LBE in PEACE. It's on a new "Storage" mod slot added to arm, leg and torso power armour pieces. Each has two tiers, with associated visual differences.

There's also a new torso "Back Attachment" mod slot, which I've moved the jet-packs to. Also on this new slot are "cargo carriers" (i.e. power armour backpacks) that give a huge Carry Weight bonus but also a movement speed penalty. However, the vanilla "Calibrated Shocks" leg mods have been changed to provide a movement speed bonus that offsets this penalty - rather than their old Carry Weight bonus.

I'm also moving the back piece of the Tesla T-60 to this new back attachment slot. Like it says on the wiki there, it already clips with the jet-pack - and it would certainly clip with the cargo carrier I'm adding. Now it will be usable on other power armour models too.

The first shot shows the Raider Power Armour LBE, along with a glimpse of its (makeshift) cargo carrier. The other power armour models get a much nicer steel cargo carrier - but that only exists as placeholder assets so far, so no pictures yet.



And with that, I'm off! (... Tomorrow. And like I said I'll probably still be able to check in on the thread from time to time anyway.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, I'm back - and I can confirm that New Zealand is beautiful. I took like 20 GB of photos and videos.


I've got a bit of catching up to do re: responding to comments on my various mods, and then I'll be back onto WARS and PEACE.





Have a good vacation! Been watching this project about a year and I am very pleased with the progress I've seen, your talent is impeccable!


Thanks. :)

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