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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Hey Antistar just a quick question about BCR. Would it be possible to use it as a way to have empty reloads and half-full reloads on magazine based weapons? For the layman's perspective and what little I know about coding it seems possible but I haven't looked at how the BCR actually functions. Really looking forward to WARS & PEACE, keep up the great work!

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BCR works by interrupting the reload animation at the correct place depending on certain factors (i.e. how many rounds need to be reloaded or if the player interrupts the reload manually). Wherever the animation is up to, it just stops and blends quickly to the idle state.


So if the reload animation ends with working the action (and you only wanted that to happen on a reload from empty), BCR's technique probably could be used to interrupt the animation before that last bit, yeah. It wouldn't let you do stuff like have a pistol slide lock back on empty though, since that would affect more than just the end of the animation.


BCR is also (as far as I'm aware) specifically set up to handle round-by-round reloads, not magazine-swapping reloads - so it would need some tweaking to be able to handle that.

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I think not willing to make a version of the mod without the changes, just as it was a simple standalone weapon pack, is a big mistake.

Personally, I was so excited when I heard about all the gats but as soon as I've read all the changes like perks, ammo weight, etc., I kinda lost hope in ever downloading.

Why shouldn't we rule over what gameplay mechanics we want and what we don't?


Let's face it, the weapons in this mod look fantastic, but that they change the way we want to play Fallout 4 (and we can't do anything about it besides spending a day in FO4Edit), it's more of a "you get guns but you have to face the changes" than "you get guns AND changes"


I already have mods that change aspects of the game the way I want them to be, it can't be that hard making the gameplay changes OPTIONAL, right?

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The new round-by-round reloads are certainly great news anitstar.


I do notice those first replacing-the-round-in-the-chamber-even-though-one-just-worked-the-action-so-it-would-be/is-an-unfired-round-one's-replacing bits on the China Lake and Mossberg reloads

(seems from the youtube video's description that you do too), that wouldn't from an immersion/realism perspective actually add any more rounds into the gun(s) if it wasn't already empty.

I thought I would ask if it isn't possible for the non-empty reloads on those guns to include putting the appropriate amount of rounds in the magazine after that first bit

(putting one round in the mag after that first bit if one has fired one round, putting two in the mag if one has fired two, etc.),

though the first bit on a non-empty reload might still seem a bit silly, that way the reload would at least match up with the amount of rounds added to the gun.

(I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement, and sorry if this is something you have already thought about, I just thought I'd ask (in a fairly long-winded way)).


Another question I had about this:

I see that you have increased the max round capacity on the Mossberg (it held 8 before, right?) and Marlin, and since the video didn't show the full empty reloads I thought I'd ask:

do the empty reloads on them still show them loaded to full capacity (now 9 rounds on the Mossberg, and 8 rounds on the Marlin)?


Whatever the case, I'll say again that these new reloads are a massive improvement over what was before.


I also had one more question for now, that has nothing to do with these new reloads, one that I probably should have thought to ask when your L123 UBGL vid was released:

In that vid, what mod were you using that shows the stat changes on the weapon (as "(+number)" in green or "(-number)" in red, example: (+30)) when mousing over the various mods for it?

As I said, I really should have thought to ask this around the release of that vid, but it only came to mind just recently.

Edited by Tenurialrope3
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The new round-by-round reloads are certainly great news anitstar.


I do notice those first replacing-the-round-in-the-chamber-even-though-one-just-worked-the-action-so-it-would-be/is-an-unfired-round-one's-replacing bits on the China Lake and Mossberg reloads

(seems from the youtube video's description that you do too), that wouldn't from an immersion/realism perspective actually add any more rounds into the gun(s) if it wasn't already empty.

I thought I would ask if it isn't possible for the non-empty reloads on those guns to include putting the appropriate amount of rounds in the magazine after that first bit

(putting one round in the mag after that first bit if one has fired one round, putting two in the mag if one has fired two, etc.),

though the first bit on a non-empty reload might still seem a bit silly, that way the reload would at least match up with the amount of rounds added to the gun.

(I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement, and sorry if this is something you have already thought about, I just thought I'd ask (in a fairly long-winded way)).

The animations all show the correct number of rounds being inserted, but yes; the Mossberg and China Lake reload animations only make perfect sense for reloading from empty. That's the way Hitman made them; obviously well before BCR was around, so it made sense to do them that way. This is what I was referring to in the video description with inaccuracies due to not being able to have different animations for empty/not-empty reloads.


What I could do to make those animations all technically correct in basically all circumstances is to have them load all rounds bar the last into the mag tube, then work the action, then load the last round. That way, you'd only have the action being worked on a full reload from empty, because in all other cases the animation would be interrupted before that point. The Lever Rifle reloads are already like this except for loading one last round after working the lever.


You probably wouldn't really do it this way in a combat situation since it'd mean you wouldn't have a round loaded and ready to go until just about the last moment - and on a related note it would mean that it wouldn't technically make sense if you manually interrupted a reload from empty - but it'd be more accurate more of the time than the current setup.


The current inaccuracies do bother me - the whole idea of using BCR is to have more accurate reloads, after all - so I may end up doing that. It's just a time-permitting thing; animation is time-consuming, obviously.



Another question I had about this:

I see that you have increased the max round capacity on the Mossberg (it held 8 before, right?) and Marlin, and since the video didn't show the full empty reloads I thought I'd ask:

do the empty reloads on them still show them loaded to full capacity (now 9 rounds on the Mossberg, and 8 rounds on the Marlin)?

Yes, I did end up editing the animations the way I said I would on the previous page. Everything shows the correct number of rounds being loaded.


Just to clarify for anyone wondering; in WARS, giving the Lever Rifle an extended barrel also increases its ammo capacity (from five to eight), since that weapon mod incorporates a larger mag tube. The Mossberg is the same (though the increase is from 6 to 9 now), though it also has an option for a long barrel that still has the shorter mag tube.



I also had one more question for now, that has nothing to do with these new reloads, one that I probably should have thought to ask when your L123 UBGL vid was released:

In that vid, what mod were you using that shows the stat changes on the weapon (as "(+number)" in green or "(-number)" in red, example: (+30)) when mousing over the various mods for it?

As I said, I really should have thought to ask this around the release of that vid, but it only came to mind just recently.

Isn't that vanilla behaviour? I mean it's been a while so I could be misremembering...



Any chance you could add the SPAS-12 to that wish list? thank you and keep up the good work!

No plans for that, sorry; I've already got the Mossberg 590 and USAS-12 in there. The SPAS-12 isn't different enough to justify spending all that time on it when I've so much other stuff to do.

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Isn't that vanilla behaviour? I mean it's been a while so I could be misremembering...

I'm quite sure it's not, at least I don't have that function in my game (and I don't think that I have installed some mod that would have disabled it).

I'm pretty sure the way the vanilla game shows the stat changes is as just (regular-UI coloured) plus or minus symbols of varying number depending on how big the stat change is

(besides of course also showing what the stat would change to (ex. 167 from 155, but the UI itself not showing that that example would be an increase of 12, one has to know/count that oneself)).

That function seen in the L123 vid seems it would be a nice minor convenience, one then not having to count/calculate onself what the exact stat changes would be for any individual weapon mod

(yes, I am a bit lazy with math).


This isn't some big deal, it just caught my eye, I don't intend to ask you to search through all your installed mods (though I don't know how many you have installed) to find this (probably UI I would guess) one mod

(and no, this isn't sarcasm, sorry if it reads like it).

Edited by Tenurialrope3
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