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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Awesome! Always glad to hear updates from this mod, with the recent quest mods popping out, I'm quite excited to do a new Fallout 4 playthrough. WARS is definitely going to be a game changer!

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Thanks. :smile:

I've finished going through all the mods I collected over the years (assessing if I want to use them or not, checking for errors, compatibility, etc), and I've gone through most of the mods I tracked over that time too. I started at around 450 tracked mods (oof), and now I'm down to about 120. I'm ordering them by when they were first released, and I'm now back in time in 2016, so it's getting faster to check over them since most of them were simply made too early on to be something I'd want to use.

I just installed Sim Settlements 2 and had a brief look through the plugins in FO4Edit, and I will need to make both WARS and PEACE patches for it. Nothing too heavy-duty, judging by that quick look; probably just a few weapons to add WARS support for, NPCs that need their inventories edited so that they carry ammo/mags, and a bunch of clothing items that need to be given "pockets" OMODs from PEACE.

To give a kind of overview of the patches I've made so far, here are all the WARS and PEACE plugins in my load order (that aren't testing or private plugins or whatever):


Anyway, the way things are going, the Sim Settlements 2 patches will be the last ones I'll be making. Then I can finally get into that extended play-test, yeesh.

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Probably not on the DU ammo, sorry. (Not from me, anyway. I'll be encouraging people to make whatever add-ons and patches they want, though.) The ammo sub-types that are already in there took ages to implement as it is - see the second post in the thread for the full list.



While I'm here; the WARS - Sim Settlements 2 patch is done. I'm working on the PEACE patch now. I've already handled the new consumables - the obscene variety of different beers was a pain - and am in the middle of doing the clothing.


The large number of consumables (again... mostly beer) did prompt me to improve the formlist injection script included in both WARS and PEACE for use in support patches, though. Previously if you had more than one item you wanted to inject into the same formlist, you'd need a separate entry in the array for each item. That's no fun if you have, say, over a hundred beer records (including "ice cold" variants) to inject into a couple of different formlists.


So the script now accepts formlists as input items; it will add the contents of the formlist into the target formlist.



It's going to take a reasonable chunk of work to add pockets to all the clothing in SS2 (and tweak whatever other stats, as required) - there's a ton of it in there.


That is the last thing to do before packaging WARS and PEACE up into ba2 files and starting my test playthrough though, finally. Not long now.

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I started my test playthrough yesterday. It feels really good to be actually playing FO4 for the first time since my first time through when the game came out. Can't believe it's been seven years.


Some first impressions of playing the game with WARS and PEACE:


It's challenging. You definitely have to think about what you're doing more than in the base game, which is good; that's something I wanted. In the heat of battle it's all too easy to lose one or more of the precious mags you've scraped together for your dinky little PPK. Raiders have been carrying the same .380 ACP ammo so I've got enough of that, but they're using pipe guns - so I'd be drowning in spare mags if I gave in and used them too... but I'd rather not because they're shoddy, fragile, inaccurate pipe guns. It makes for interesting choices.


It's been a constant struggle for carry weight, thanks to the encumbrance overhaul in PEACE. I just got that first suit of power armour from Concord, and am looking forward to getting time to strap some bags to it so I can make use of its comparatively massive cargo capacity to go back collect all the loot I had to leave behind in Concord.


Time though, yeah; I actually have to think about time management thanks to the These Things Take Time (TTTT) system in PEACE. We need to set up shelter, food, water, defences, etc in Sanctuary, but that all takes time - so do I do that, or spend the time butchering one or two of those mole rats at Red Rocket, and cooking them up, and boiling some river water while I'm at it, since we're pretty low on food and water generally? I'd love to be fixing up my gear, but that may have to wait a bit...


(It's great. I love it. No more sweeping through the town and pointing at all the fallen trees and wrecked cars and fallen-in houses and magically vanishing them instantly into resources. It's going to take some in-game time to clean this place up.)



I've been fixing and tweaking things as I go - mostly pretty minor stuff, so far. Earlier I did get one weapon seem to get stuck and not want to swap ammo - reloading a save fixed it. Hopefully that's rare; it's not something I've seen in any of my other testing.


More testing needed - and that is why I'm doing this playthrough. :wink:



(Edited for clarity.)

Edited by antistar
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That's great! Always felt that FO4 was heavily inspired by looter shooters instead of other RPG's, the lack of a simple equipment degradation system seems to indicate so. Hope Bethesda won't streamline everything like they did with FO4, would make things way too bland. Anyway, awesome work! Can't wait to try it myself!

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Quick question, did you edit the animations for the Handmade Anti-Materiel Rifle? I've noticed the original mod had some minor clipping when reloading.

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No, the Handmade Anti-Materiel Rifle is just using the vanilla Bolt-Action Pipe Gun animations. I did edit the meshes for the HAMR a bit, but I can't remember if any of those edits were to address any clipping during the reload. I haven't had a close look at it in a while.


The HAMR in WARS is actually still based on the first version Shoeburglar made, as a side-note; not the later redux version. I didn't want to redo the WARS-specific mesh/texture changes I'd made prior to that redux version coming out.



On my current testing: I've had that weird problem with weapons getting stuck and not wanting to swap ammo (or even reload at all, I think?) a couple more times, though it's still very sporadic and I can't nail down a cause for it yet. Every time has been when I had more than one copy of the weapon in question in my inventory, but that might just be a coincidence, since that situation just on its own isn't causing it. Usually it's fine.


What I've been doing specifically each time has been that I've just found an extra (say) Walther PPK and I want to eject the mag from it so I can use it with the PPK that I'm currently using. You can do this by hitting "swap ammo" when you have no spare mags in your inventory (so I'd just temporarily stick any spares in a container), since it will drop the mag from the gun and not load another one into it.


That's when it's been getting stuck somehow - but it's only happened a few times, and I don't know why yet. Some kind of script lag, maybe? I'll keep testing.



Yesterday I added a minor quality of life feature that lets you highlight dropped mags via rank 2 of the Scrapper perk, making it easier to find them amongst the rubble and undergrowth and whatnot after a fight. I did this by adding a dummy recipe to the Chem Station that requires 1000000 of each casing and ammo type that can be found in dropped mags; you use the "Tag For Search" option in the crafting UI on that recipe, and it will result in dropped mags being highlighted.


...Along with any other containers that might have those ammo or casing types in them, of course. (This highlighting behaviour seems hard-coded to the Scrapper perk. Otherwise I would have added support for highlighting only dropped mags, separate to the perk.)


So I'll be suggesting that people might want to use Tagging Assistant, since (among other features) it lets you assign a hotkey to toggle highlighting. That way you can toggle highlighting on when you're trying to find those elusive dropped mags, and then toggle it off again afterwards.

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Is it possible it has something to do with the fact that you are trying to reload a magazine currently loaded into a firearm?


As in I have 1x ppk in my hands, go to ammo swap while 1x ppk in my inventory with a mag equipped. Ammo script goes to swap mags finds one already part of weapon and can't process the return?


I know literally zero about creating mods so bully me at your own peril

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