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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Yeah, so far I've added in sub-types for all the non-shotgun ballistic calibres. I have .223 as a separate ammo type but I've been considering merging it with 5.56, like how WARS does .308/7.62. Is there any reasoning for determining if an ammo type got a surplus sub-type in WARS?


Yup, I was missing that keyword on my AmmoSubType OMODs. When I initially made the OMODs I was only using the base WARS plugin as reference. :tongue:

Good - glad it was something simple.



I do think having .223 as a sub-type of 5.56x45mm would make more sense; that's how it's set up in New Vegas, and like you said, it would match .308 and 7.62x51mm in WARS.


I did my best to base most ammo sub-types on real-world variants (including what they're made of), and for "surplus" sub-types that was typically if they'd been used as a service cartridge at some point. (I.e. so that they'd have been stockpiled in large quantities, and then available as surplus.)


Sometimes it was for other reasons, though. E.g. for .45-70 Govt, the "surplus" sub-type is kind of supposed to be the old black powder rounds - just without black powder actually existing as a crafting component in WARS.



Anyway, doing sub-types for that many ammo types is a lot of work - but obviously should be very useful to people wanting to make WARS support patches for weapons that use those ammo types, so I'm glad you're doing it. :)

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Good - glad it was something simple.



I do think having .223 as a sub-type of 5.56x45mm would make more sense; that's how it's set up in New Vegas, and like you said, it would match .308 and 7.62x51mm in WARS.


I did my best to base most ammo sub-types on real-world variants (including what they're made of), and for "surplus" sub-types that was typically if they'd been used as a service cartridge at some point. (I.e. so that they'd have been stockpiled in large quantities, and then available as surplus.)


Sometimes it was for other reasons, though. E.g. for .45-70 Govt, the "surplus" sub-type is kind of supposed to be the old black powder rounds - just without black powder actually existing as a crafting component in WARS.



Anyway, doing sub-types for that many ammo types is a lot of work - but obviously should be very useful to people wanting to make WARS support patches for weapons that use those ammo types, so I'm glad you're doing it. :smile:

Military surplus was what I had in mind for the surplus sub-type so I guess I had the right idea on that. I also used the surplus sub-type as "bulk" ammo for the .22 and .32 rounds.


It's quite a bit of work, but I'm happy to do it, especially since quite a few weapon mods I want to create patches for will need it.

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Hey glad to see progress! Antistar I've saw you recently mentioned you started preparing the Nexus page, are we close to a release?

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Hopefully this would not make much of a cognition burden on ammo variants... especially in a game without intuitive graphical hints (like stalker or tarkov) to help make out which item to choose quickly.

Well the AmmoTweaks HUD widget does show the current ammo sub-type (and COND and Fire/Attack Mode) - and when you hit the Swap Ammo button, you get a menu of sub-types to choose from, which pauses the game, obviously. (Unless there's only one sub-type available to switch to, or you've disabled the menu - in which case it will just swap to the next available sub-type automatically.)


In playing with this setup, I've found it to work pretty well. With the addition of the ammo sub-type menu, I find it works better than in New Vegas or STALKER, actually. (Barring playing those games with mods that add in a menu like that, of course.) Without the menu, you have to cycle through the available sub-types linearly until you get to the one you want... which isn't great in the middle of combat, unsurprisingly.




Hey glad to see progress! Antistar I've saw you recently mentioned you started preparing the Nexus page, are we close to a release?

I would like to know that aswell, i'm almost reinstalling F4 just for this


This is always hard to judge, and things always take longer than you think they will, but you know what? The release could be as soon as in the next few days sometime.


It felt like the screenshots took ages to do, but they're done now. I'm not really one for taking screenshots. Some people make a real art out of it, but that's not me - not really. Organising outfits, weapons, location, lighting, composition, etc, etc. It takes ages, especially with the volume of shots I needed.


Also I'm using screenshots to present distinct mod features (with explanatory text on them), and how do you take a screenshot to represent something like the "These Things Take Time" feature in PEACE? :laugh:


Anyway. I think I've zeroed in on how to format the description on each Nexus page, and am in the middle of filling those out. The challenge I'm dealing with now is that I'll be publishing multiple mods at the same time, and they're all going to be linking to each other, and include images in the descriptions that I'll also be uploading at the same time, so... I'm working out the order of operations there.


Each of these will have their own Nexus page:




- War and Peace (the WARS-PEACE patch)

- The War Room (WARS support patches by me)

- Peace In Our Time (PEACE support patches by me)

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I've got a few busy days coming up, and even once I've got all the description text formatted and ready to go (just the two patch collection pages to go now), actually uploading all the files and images, plus plugging in all the text and links and etc etc is going to be a marathon effort. Not something I want to try to squeeze in on a day when I'm flat out with other things.

So at the moment, the release is looking more likely to be towards the end of the coming week.

Antistar, i also just saw that REAL.AI mod and i wonder, considering the changes you made to NPCs, would this mod be a great complement to WARS or will be there some incompatibility?

I haven't tried playing the game with that mod, but I had a quick look at it in FO4Edit earlier and it does edit some of the same records as WARS and PEACE. (More the latter.) It should work fine if you load REAL.AI after WARS and PEACE though, and that aspect of the game would probably benefit from the more focussed approach it has.


Assuming there isn't something in some other part of WARS/PEACE that disagrees with REAL.AI, that is - balance-wise, or whatever else. Seems unlikely, but I haven't tested it, so who knows?

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Awesome! Just came back from vacation, I've also saw the last chapter of Sim Settlements 2 released as well so I'm definetely going to reinstall soon!

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Yeah, I seem destined to release my ambitious passion projects at the exact same time as massive, ambitious passion projects made by big teams of very talented people. :laugh:


(Clockwork released just a few days before Enderal.)


So I'm going to have to hold back the Sim Settlements 2 patches for WARS and PEACE until I can update them to account for SS2 Chapter 3 (assuming it'll be practical for me to account for it), but I'm in the middle of uploading all the WARS and PEACE stuff now, so the release will probably be today or tomorrow.

Edited by antistar
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